Tuesday, December 8, 2009

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Hard To Swallow Fell A Knot In My Throat


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sore Throat Phlegm In Throat Blood

file documents the death of Francisco Villa
Office Eugenio Martinez, Chief Military Office, prosecutor, District Court, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, July 26, 1923, Historical Archives of Hidalgo del Parral, exp. Court 1, Criminal, s / f.

Mario G. Charter Ochoa, Pedro Flores González, Durango, Mexico, DF, August 16 1923, Historical Archives of Hidalgo del Parral, exp. Court 1, Criminal, s / f.

home record "Investigation instructed by reason of theft of cattle made to Mrs. Guadalupe Prieto. Defendant: Francisco Villa, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, May 23, 1910, Historical Archives of Hidalgo del Parral, exp. Court 1, Criminal.
Personal Letter of Francisco Villa in "Inquiry instructed by reason of theft of cattle made to Mrs. Guadalupe Prieto. Defendant: Francisco Villa, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, April 11, 1910, Historical Archives of Hidalgo del Parral, exp. Court 1, Criminal, f. 16.

Personal Letter of Francisco Villa in "Inquiry instructed by reason of theft of cattle made to Mrs. Guadalupe Prieto. Defendant: Francisco Villa, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, April 11, 1910, Historical Archives of Hidalgo del Parral, exp. Court 1, Criminal, f. 16.

"Certificate of notification to Mr. Bachelor Alberto López Hermosa, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, September 14, 1923, Historical Archives of Hidalgo del Parral, exp. Court 1, Criminal, s / f.

"Notice of arms who robbed the First Criminal Court ... "Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, January 13, 1924, Historical Archives of Hidalgo del Parral, exp. Court 1, Criminal, s / f.

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Pancho Villa seized and CITY OF SACRAMENTO
Before I left I received news Bermejillo how they fared Sacramento operations, where and had united to fight the people of Don Rosalio Hernandez and Eugenio Aguirre Benavides commanding. As I reported, the fighting still locked far beyond anger. Because it happened, more engaged when Juan Andreu Almazan was that large reinforcements had arrived in Torreon, which tried to break the line Aguirre Benavides had set for fencing.
Trinidad Rodriguez, who at that time came to Sacramento with two bullets in his body, and his words spoke to me: I feel the wounds
, sir, I depart from the battle, but I am suffering the harsh punishment that is suffering my brigade . When they do, I do not look as bad prediction. As presented the fight, it will not be today without that place belongs to us.
And I confirmed this news Maximo Garcia, who also brought there, in more serious condition than the other, it came with a bullet in his belly.
other words, looking at me, for the wounded who came to me, how it was not easy feat of Eugenio Aguirre Benavides, see also, so I told them that this feat is with summaries.

I went to Santa Clara with a good knowledge of the federal, but not as well informed concerning their positions. I knew that Refugio Velasco, who had put in Gomez Palacio his headquarters, were the generals Ricardo Peña, Eduardo Ocaranza and Benjamin Argumedo, three men of great value, and another man of the same law for military occurrences, named Federico Reyna, still there in front of their volunteer forces. The enemy soldiers, including federal and traitors, not down in ten thousand. They had twelve guns, with an enormous supply of grenades. They had plenty of supplies. They had machine guns deployed in fortifications permanent work. And news that confirmed my Velasco available in very large number of very good officers to handle their guns. Arriving
me, I gave orders for the attack on Gomez Palacio. There was a point where the enemy, who retreated before my breakthrough, had all left and re-concentrated around its center, for which they had just destroyed the road south of Noah, station of that name, where my train was approaching. My orders containing this: the right wing, consisting of forces and Toribio Herrera Ortega, would move in firing line in front of five miles, my center, consisting of artillery and two battalions that I had just organize Bermejillo and was placed under the command of Lt. Col. Santiago Ramirez, follow the railway line, my left wing, composed of Brigade and Brigade Villa Juarez in Durango, would advance also handles training on another front of five kilometers. I sent also the headquarters train, the health service and supplies Noah made high while repairing the road. I set that as we were also four kilometers from the village all the troops dismount, for chaining the horses, and infantry and, we would go forward under our guns.
At six o'clock that evening we saw the enemy on the outskirts of the city, we saw how they took in having prepared defenses. And what happened was that in one hour delayed par t of our march, the enemy's artillery opened fire from hidden places before we could work according to my orders, and lighting with it the spirit of all troops was not possible to contain them, but let me go hand in hand in their eagerness to launch the attack. Thus, without removing or wait for new orders, and first at a trot, then gallop and then all rein, the men of my brigade were launched in assault like frenzy, which led, under fire from the guns and enemy machine guns, to the first houses of Gomez Palacio.
then ensued a fierce fight that made them lower them, but that caused us to lower ourselves, because we went forward and discovered that many of the soldiers in my heart, knowing evil of war, but with the momentum of its rage, did not obey orders even spaced. The first grenade federal mató aquella tarde a Abdón Pérez, el pagador que había dejado oculto en Torreón el oro de su pagaduría. La segunda granada hirió a Saúl Navarro, teniente coronel de la Brigada Villa, y a varios de los soldados que iban cerca de él. Pero en verdad que, aumentando a cada momento las bajas que nos causaban los enemigos, pues eran muy certeros sus fuegos y de direcciones muy bien concertadas, más recrecía el combate, por el mucho ánimo de pelea en que andaba arrebatada mi gente. Mirándola, consideraba yo entre mí: "En los planes de la guerra tantos trastornos puede causar el mucho valor como la mucha cobardía." Y me enajenaba de cólera viendo cómo nuestros cañones no podían siquiera fire, since part of my lot Chito, in his innocence, went and tucked between the houses, which spoiled the targets of our parts. That first vicissitudes
my heart and my fried wings its seventy dead and about two hundred wounded, and still more dead, more wounded, made us enemies in the battles of the night. This last was because the forces of Herrera, and himself with his staff, wanted to throw as much about the enemy, who suffered for several hours of gunfire that sent them from the hill called the Battery. And it is a good natural defense of Gomez Palacio, and as the shots of the fire came directed with much expertise, the Maclovio forces found themselves in serious trouble. They left him without a horse and nearly ended his staff, whose officers he killed, or the wounded.
born there that morning of another day after fighting spread as hard as a few hours of starting it. Our dead did not drop our wounded 125 and 315, between them, so serious, a lieutenant colonel surnamed Triana, chief of staff of Herrera. But it is also true that because by that time the general had called our
Angeles artillery in San Ignacio, the hill of that name, there is on the Central Railroad right, below the Vergel. There were several baterías al mando de Martiniano Servín, más otra mandada por Manuel García Santibáñez, y él mismo ordenaba los disparos de otros cañones puestos más cerca del enemigo por el lado izquierdo de la dicha vía.
Yo comprendí entonces que eran muy poderosas las posiciones enemigas de Gómez Palacio, por lo cual llamé a Maclovio Herrera y le dije:
?Señor general, mientras nosotros sostenemos aquí este frente y nuestra artillería bombardea el cerro de la Pila, la Jabonera, la Casa Redonda y las posiciones atrincheradas del norte de la ciudad, alargue usted su línea por la derecha hasta atacar Ciudad Lerdo y tomarla.
Y Maclovio Herrera, sin ignorar que aquella maniobra iba to be very dangerous, shackled his horses at the foot of the hill of San Ignacio and went to fulfill my orders with great value. But it happened that in issuing the said order as I have deceived me. Because the fire of our guns, to be accurate, could not contain the enemy, and the action of my heart, that I was going, did not interfere with any of those movements. So they came to attack Maclovio, instead of waiting, and pushed the number of forces over which he wore, and I saw and understood how it went with the intention of flank and destroy them, and how they looked on top with severe echársenos danger to all our artillery. Then, trying I repair my error, and enable compliance Maclovio out my orders, I thought no more, but I turned on the enemy's cavalry, followed by Jesus Rios and my escort, and it was my burden so much furor not stopped the bullets we wanted to wrap it, and we stopped their pregnancies, but we got to where those forces were, and defeated, and we flee in dispersion, thus the risk disappeared and we got menaced Maclovio Herrera Ciudad Lerdo to approach looking for good positions.
At that load, as then said, Federico Reyna died, the colonel spoke before the volunteers as head of Huerta. And why not, sir, if I was meeting a lot of death, that waited for them with all the hit value of our attack, and if both were exposed there to die the chiefs and officers, including troopers? As I believe, our burden put on a show worth seeing, and was honored to have been part of it, because paralyzed in its action threatening the enemy's army, now learn to be measured more in their footsteps.
That this was or was not, the fighting continued all morning very fierce, and as I seemed then that the enemy reinforcements came to him that front, I ordered the withdrawal of my lines to Vergel. I thought: "You have to wait until night to take over Maclovio Lerdo. You have to wait for the outcome of the action of Sacramento and come to my aid troops and Rosalio Hernandez Aguirre Benavides. "Bucking
our retreat, I saw a young man who was walking over to my horse." Choked both heat and felt so much a thirst for battle, I felt sorry for him. I said
? And who are you, boy?
The answers:
? I'm the biggest Gustavo Bazan, General.
? What are their strengths?
? belong to my General Felipe Angeles, General,
? Lord, why do you come here?
? this morning I came from Sonora para incorporarme en el Vergel, mi general.
?¿Y por qué no se incorporó usted allí con la artillería?
?Porque supe que mi general Ángeles andaba en el frente reconociendo las líneas, y mi deber me mandaba presentármele.
Seguro yo de que aquello era verdad, pues muy cerca de nosotros venía Felipe Ángeles, le dije al mayor Gustavo Bazán:
?Muy bien, muchachito. No se fatigue tanto, ya que ha cumplido con el deber. Si tiene piernas, brinque a las ancas de mi caballo, para que yo lo lleve.
Y frené allí mismo, y le di ocasión de que montara.
A poco de efectuar nosotros aquella reconcentración sobre el Vergel, recibí noticias de que Sacramento was already in our hands, and that the bulk of the brigades Zaragoza, Hernandez, Cuauhtemoc, Guadalupe Victoria Madero came to incorporárseme.
In Sacramento the enemy had just had about 300 casualties, more than 40 men armed and equipped defected to our ranks. To us that action had cost 50 lives, including Lt. Col. Cipriano Puente, and 100 wounded. And as they fled the enemy wanted to be strong in the Future, a point and is named in the line of Torreon Monterrey, again there had defeated us, and had taken their three trains of supplies, and forced him to disperse due to Gomez Palacio. Aguirre Benavides then destroyed the railroad from Jameson to San Pedro de las Colonias and ordered one of his colonels, named Toribio V. de los Santos, with his regiment occupied San Pedro de las Colonias, and then continue to destroy that Hipolito, to close and the move to Monterrey reinforcements could reach the enemy.
the same day in the evening camped at Jameson forces Eugenio Aguirre Benavides. I sent an officer with orders to incorporate me in my camp the next morning for another day. He also sent for him and his team, and his gift Rosalio and more the other forces that had fought with them, words of my affection and my applause. I told them: "These troops have accomplished with the value and expertise of the real military men throughout the length of my orders. His achievement enables us to continue developing our plans."
And when I tasted that yet rejoicing in the night I got the report that the strength of my extreme right, led by Herrera, had just attack and take, with irresistible momentum, Ciudad Lerdo, who was the other I needed victory.
We woke up on March 24 Vergel in our camp, I surrendered to the reorganization of the people to launch a new attack. General Angeles, which helped me in my plans, I had arranged, with my approval, the artillery also concentrated, and from there use it to better positions.
About eight o'clock that morning I joined the 3.500 men and Rosalio Hernandez Aguirre Benavides. Shortly after Herrera introduced me to some of his actions during the fight the previous day. I congratulated him with a very good baby, and told him how much I appreciated their behavior and their troops. A row I added these words:
? For now, General, we stayed at the enemy. Just look how calm seems to be waiting in the attack that we do tonight, or tomorrow.
Which was really great. Because while our trenes seguían ocupados en la reparación de la vía, miraba yo cómo los soldados enemigos andaban levantando el campo de los combates del día anterior.
Mediando la mañana, el enemigo intentó cañonearnos. Lo hacía con el hincapié de estorbar nuestra reparación, pero, según yo creo, con el verdadero ánimo de que mi artillería, contestando le, descubriera sus nuevos emplazamientos. No les respondimos nosotros, conscientes de que aquel fuego no nos molestaba; y aunque nos molestara, nuestros cañones, a la distancia a que los teníamos, casi nada hubieran podido hacer a cambio de revelar sus posiciones. Pero como poco después, muy envalentonados ellos por nuestra inacción, thus essential that any part received relief or reinforcements. Which yes I was sure to come by, since the communication of those troops in the center of the country, as they were already at the beginning of our operations, had just added the lack of communication with Monterrey, and now we are preparing to seek incommunicado Parras and Saltillo.
showed signs of preparing for another start, I moved my escort, over 500 men Aguirre Benavides, and so I reinforced my forehead and makes the enemy keep quiet. They were very large
the difficulties of our attack, and an urgent need to drive according to an agreed plan. Re joined, as in joint to my generals and told them
"Gentlemen, you feel us how rough the action. They are very strong enemy positions in Gomez Palacio. His artillery, for the good quality of the projectiles, the pear the ravages of ours. benefiting them away from fortified positions, while we, without any protection in the plains of the plan, received in the chest on fire from their cannons and machine guns. It is, gentlemen, as I believe, that all express our opinion here, and which all were of one opinion concerning the measures that must be wound to give our purpose is achieved with the least possible death. "
then what was agreed principal of the provisions, which were as follows: general order for the Sunday Arrieta come to our aid with the strength I had in Santiago Papasquiaro; order for the general Calixto Contreras and Severino Ceniceros Pedriceña to move from where they were with their people, to Aviles, the general order for Robles, who was in Durango, approached his brigade, camping in Picardy, to the Pearl; order for the deputy chief of the troops lifted the road between Parras and Torreon, and so close too that part enemy communications.
Because I understand, considering the strong positions of Velasco, the main thing for us was to enclose and weaken in Torreon, so that exhaust the exhaustion of his soldiers and the expenditure of their provisions, and how it was thus essential that any part received relief or reinforcements. Which yes I was sure to come by, since the communication of those troops in the center of the country, as they were already at the beginning of our operations, had just added the lack of communication with Monterrey, and now we are preparing to seek incommunicado Parras and Saltillo.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wording Of Congratulate

Friday, November 6, 2009

How Long Robaxin In Urine

Orestes Pereyra (1861-1915)

Precursor of the Mexican Revolution, the November 20, 1910 took up arms in Gomez Palacio against the Diaz dictatorship and went on a short but active and important military career him to be among the most famous fighters of the armed struggle.

Born in Santa Maria del Oro, Dgo., The year 1861 and died in 1915, began his involvement proselytizing for the movement in the Laguna Region antiporfirista the Patriotic Junta groups inspired by the ideals Madero. They met in various locations to plot against the government, directed by Mr. Dionisio Reyes, Prof.. Manuel Nepomuceno Oviedo and with the cooperation of several co-religionists as: Lozano Juan Pablo Estrada, Ezequiel Guillen, Gregorio García and Jesús Agustín Castro, among other courageous citizens.

After taking the place of Gomez Palacio, Orestes Pereyra, who had also contributed to the war to their children Orestes and Gabriel, devoted himself to fight in the State of Durango in Villa Hidalgo, Nazas, Mapimí Inde and participated in Taking the first Tower in May 1911. Joined the revolutionary campaign, was present at the Hacienda de la Loma on September 29, 1913, to form the famed Division North under the command of Gen. Francisco Villa. Therefore taken decisive role in the capture of Torreon, 1914, in San Pedro, Coah. and Zacatecas in the same year.

Along with General Calixto Contreras were among the first Durango in ignoring the usurper regime of Victoriano Huerta. In front of Villa's operations in Sinaloa, was taken prisoner in combat and was shot in 1915

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chiefs of the Revolution, Pancho Villa

Best Friend Running Sayings

the Hero

Francisco Villa
Manifesto to the People of Mexico. September 22, 1914

Al Pueblo Mexicano: The overthrow of the democratic government of Mr. Madero, great motion work revolution of 1910, the Mexican people was launched back to the conquest of their freedoms, showing the nation and the world that have ended forever in our country governments imposed by force and it will only accept and respect to those emanating from the popular will. Constitutionalism

The word engraved on the colors of our flag, contains the entire political agenda of the Revolution, in which shall be resolved on legal grounds and therefore stable, reforms aimed at improving social and economic development of our people.

Although the plan of Guadalupe, released by the C. Venustiano Carranza, offered only the restoration of constitutional government, was accepted, however, by the revolutionary leaders, because they were confident that the First Chief of the Revolution was not only supported the establishment of a democratic government but the economic and social reforms necessary to ensure improve-to the disinherited classes.

Unfortunately, the actions of Mr. Carranza and his statements, engendered in the minds of many revolutionaries fear of not seeing the commitments made that the revolution had made to the people.

North Division, which had been the subject of political intrigues of Mr. Carranza, fearing more than any other that they were disappointed revolutionary ideals, proposed, according to the Army Corps Northwest, the conferences of Torreon, the establishment of a Convention on a democratic basis, to force the first chief to meet with the revolutionary program, ensuring the establishment of a democratic government and the reforms needed benefit the people.

Mr. Carranza refused to accept the Convention on the basis proposed in the covenant of Torreon and decided that entering the capital of the Republic of the Constitutionalist Army, convene a Board to the generals and the governors of the States to study political and social problems of the Revolution. If the Division

North had lost confidence in the First Chief, he could not have either a Board whose members were actually appointed by him, of course it was he who had the authority to confer the rank of General and to appoint governors, so would always assured majority. On taking

Carranza Mexico City, due to the triumph of revolutionary arms in public opinion now and the story tomorrow and will have put in place that corresponds to the Northern Division began to reveal themselves in a manner beyond all doubt the intentions of Mr. Carranza to remain in power indefinitely and rule with an absolutism that no government had had in our history.

First Chief refused to accept the title of Acting President, under that Plan de Guadalupe, it was up, and placed him under constitutional restrictions, retaining only as Chief of the Constitutionalist Army, in charge of the Executive. Changed the formula of the oath of office. There he formed his cabinet in accordance with the Constitution, leaving the administration in charge with the character of Senior Officials. Took in his person the three constitutional powers, suppressing the judiciary, leaving the lives and interests of Mexicans to the discretion of Warlords, without any legal restriction. Constitutional reforms enacted under the exclusive competence of the Chambers, as the removal of the Territory of Quintana Roo. Authorized the violation of rights guaranteed by the Constitution, inter alia, freedom of conscience allowing many governors, exaggerating the Constitutionalist Party just resentment against the Catholic clergy who took part in the coup and sustaining dictatorship, abolished the worship, impose penalties for religious practices authorized by law and deeply hurt the religious sentiment of the people to acts condemned by civilization and the law of nations. Finally, the anarchy that exists in the capital of the Republic and in most state governments, by political blunders and lack of energy Carranza will be added very soon the public misery, caused by the unrest and lack Securities in the cities and fields, and increasingly large depreciation of paper money, whose last issuance of $ 130,000,000 decreed by him without any warranty, will make its value to a small degree and amount to a price out of reach the poorer classes of articles of prime necessity.

Faced with a situation that threatens to undermine the triumph of the Revolution, met with both sacrifice, throwing the country into anarchy and misery, Northern Division sent to Mexico City a delegation to present the first chief of the interim government program is, in short, the immediate re-establishment of constitutional order through the electoral vote and the implementation of land reforms; program signed by General Obregón on behalf of the Army Corps Northwest and myself in the North Division.

Mr. Carranza refused to call elections immediately, to deter-ordinating Board for him to be held on the 1st. October would be that would set the time and manner of its conclusion. This meant that Mr. Carranza last result would be to fix the time and manner of such elections.

Indeed, as the Board would be constituted of all the generals in command and all the governors, in advance could ensure that when the votes within the Board, the majority of its members is of the same opinion Mr. Carranza, since such persons exist for its military and not as representatives of any group of citizens would depend hierarchically on the First Chief of the Army and would be subject to its moral influence.

Notwithstanding, and despite well-founded belief that the Board would only a pretext for the First Chief to continue indefinitely in power, the Heads of Army Group North West and North Division bear witness to his spirit of conciliation agreed to send their delegates, putting only condition that the Board would be treated preferably three issues: confirmation in favor of C. Venustiano Carranza from his position as Interim President of the Republic, which belongs as proclaimed in the Plan of Guadalupe, the restoration of constitutional order by choosing a popular government in the shortest time possible, and finally the adoption sufficiently effective measures to ensure resolution the agrarian problem in a practical sense favorable to the masses.

When they were on their way to Mexico City Mr. Obregon, Army Chief of Staff of the Northwest, and some delegates from the Northern Division, an unexpected incident stopped their march. The first chief, infuriated by alarming news and unsubstantiated by the tabloid press, suspended trade with the places occupied by the Northern Division publicizing thus its resolution to initiate hostilities against those who put pressure on it to force compliance with the commitments of the Revolution, which led the people to armed struggle was not to impose the will someone, but that the same people impose their own.

Given the consideration that every effort would be futile to force the first chief to promptly deliver the power to appoint the popular will, and knowing that the salvation of the Fatherland and the people's interests embodied in the revolutionary principles depend the immediate resolution of their major problems, the Northern Division has decided to ignore as Commander in Chief of the Constitutionalist Army, in charge of executive power, to C. Venustiano Carranza.

This ignorance did not involve an act of ambition on my part, or any of the generals of the Northern Division, and solemnly declare with permission, that neither they nor I will accept the positions of Chairman and Interim Constitution of the Republic, nor those of Vice-Governors, and that according to the other generals, chiefs and army officers who want to contribute to Constitutionalist we will fight to establish a civil government that guarantees all the rights and freedoms of all citizens. In this virtue

invite all Mexican citizens:

FIRST. - To ignore the C. Venustiano Carranza as First Chief Executive Officer of the Nation. SECOND

. - To join the North Division contributing the most effective as they can, to require the separation of C. Venustiano Carranza's Constitutionalist Army Headquarters and the Executive. Immediately

is there to achieve this separation, the generals in command of troops to appoint a civilian with the character of Interim President of the Republic, to call elections since then to restore constitutional order and initiate economic reforms Revolutionary social demands.

order that the electoral turmoil not only verified the election repeat, alert to the current constitutional provision and that the President-elect to implement the program of the Revolution, the Provisional President shall the approval of the Chambers, the reform of the presidential term from six years to start from the date that elect takes office.

North Division offers to establish order and peace in the places to be occupied and respect the lives and interests of its peaceful inhabitants, whether nationals or foreigners.


is very painful for me to demand that the Mexican people a new sacrifice for the revolution can finally realize their ideals expensive, but I have confidence that every honest citizen will understand that without this last effort of the people, would collapse all revolutionary work, because we have ousted a dictatorship to replace it with another.

The Mexican v does not contribute to give way to this great liberation movement on his conscience will regret not having learned to love his country.

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The Revolucón in Gomez Palacio History of the Revolution


March 22, 1914 (Hermanos Aguirre Benavides)

At five o'clock the core strengths are proceeding in line deployed by the railroad to Gomez Palacio 37 kilometers distant. The Commanding General with his staff, remains in Bermejillo until 11 am (See map no. 2 at the end of the book.)
At 8 am, arrives from Sacramento Colonel Trinidad Rodriguez, and although it is injured by two bullets pierced his body box, and manifests the entire game, feeling only that his brigade has been so punished. Reports of real combat situation in Sacrament, and ensures that the enemy will be defeated, despite having received a large new reinforcement of Torreon, that his exit from the field of operations, saw the arrival of the forces of General Hernandez, and confirms the surrender a squadron of the enemy, that was passed to our troops with all their equipment. Comes also seriously wounded Colonel Maximo Garcia, Chief of the Brigade Madero raise grave concerns status, having received a wound in the stomach.
The Lord General Villa, sure to find large numbers of soldiers hidden within the 15 trains of the powerful Division, ordered that all supplies and armed individuals are organized into battalions. The effect exceeds what was expected, since 1500 are fully armed men and ammunition. Violently, with the large number of infantry, three battalions are organized, two of them embarking on the train Headquarters and leaving the third to guarnezca Bermejillo Square, under the command of Major Antonio San Román and Carlos Ugartechea. The train goes Headquarters: Moving to achieve the forces that already had several hours away. Concentrated all the forces in Santa Clara, continue the march, and then the show is presented to the viewer's eyes is impressive: the right wing, composed of the Brigades and Benito Juárez González Ortega, extends online-shooter an area not less than five miles, the left wing, also occupy an area about five kilometers, the Brigade formed part of the Villa and Juarez Durango Brigade, and Brigade Guadalupe Victoria, the center is occupied by the two regiments of artillery and two infantry battalions that were discussed before, commanded by Lt. Col. Santiago Ramírez. The enemy has reconcentrated its advanced and destroyed the railroad from the station to the gates of Noah Gomez Palacio City. For this reason, trains Headquarters, Brigade and Sanitary Provisions, stay in the station above. At six o'clock in the afternoon, they sighted the enemy on the outskirts of the city noticing that haste will be strong in purpose-built redoubts.
concerted attack plan is simple: when missing four kilometers to reach the suburbs, our forces must high, disassemble, chaining the horses and, while our artillery bombarded the enemy positions, advancing line of skirmishers protected by it. But however that the march was delayed one hour and the enemy opened their fire cannon from a blind spot, and before our artillery work, the forces were excited, and first at a trot, then gallop, and finally on the run, gives a formidable assault in the midst of a heavy cannon fire. From the outset, our forces will take over the suburbs. Are engaged in a duel to the death, terribly deadly to both fighters. The first enemy grenade killed Odilon Perez, brave captain first of the General Staff. The second wounded Lt. Col. Saul Navarro, Villa Brigade and some soldiers. Our artillery is silent for fear of hurting our children, that were already full of enthusiasm within the city. The fact leave many huddled in the middle of the road, going quite a few rookies, that the feds had very good positions and had studied the shot perfectly, made the first assault will result as 70 dead and 200 wounded. Continue the fight very impetuous struggle all night in the city. An enemy cannon placed in the center of the pile, also known under the name of trenches, never ceases to fire on the city. General Herrera, accompanied by his staff, suffers this deadly fire. Several of the officers are dead and almost all wounded. He would kill his horse. Miraculously escaping the Brigadier.

Attack Gómez Palacio. March 23, 1014

At six o'clock was located the heavy artillery to the direct command of Colonel Servin, and a battery commanded by Colonel Canet Santibanez, at the foot of the hill San Ignacio. General Angeles, meanwhile, also sent directly, a battery is placed to the left side of the road to Central Station between Orchard and Gomez Palacio. Since then notice that your are accurate fire on enemy positions. The feds were well entrenched in the Cerro de La Pila, The Basket, Round House and the houses of the North course, located outside the city. Apart from this, and for the same course, was perfectly placed fortifications. The most serious wounded Lieutenant Colonel Triana Priest, Chief of Staff of the Brigade Benito Juárez.

7 a.m.? General Mr. Herrera received orders to attack Ciudad Lerdo and goes to that place, linking their horses along the Cerro de San Ignacio. At 8 am the artillery commanded by Colonel Santibanez, bomb Trench Hill City and part of Gomez Palacio, and meanwhile the Lord General Villa, accompanied by his bodyguard, gives support to the guns. In the courtyard of the station Gomez, a machine makes movements. Shortly after General Herrera opened fire on Ciudad Lerdo, but seeing Mr. General in Chief Gen. Herrera will be flanked by attacking enemy superior in number and may be at risk our artillery, followed by full escort gives a violent and vigorous cavalry charge. And so great and so powerful thrust of the soldiers who follow the Lord frantic Commanding General, brought together by your courage, do not stop bullets to the enemy, and all danger rush furiously over all in and making hasty flight flee to the adversary that can be contained and dispersed in the most complete disorder. Some time later, when the fleeing enemy horsemen dispersed, ceased fire and General Herrera was to take up positions near the outskirts of Lerdo, ready for the fight of the night. It says in that formidable cavalry charge, supported by the Commander in Chief and Chief of his guard, Lieutenant Colonel Jesus Rios, died Federico Reyna, General Huerta and irregular.

eleven o'clock in the morning. Our casualties during the night can be estimated at 125 dead and 315 wounded, and continue to come from the past, since the struggle is still very bitter. Sacramento reinforcements will arrive at the federal and greatly encouraged. With this, fail to reject us, who leave in order to recover, leaving nothing in the field service forces and artillery. In the afternoon there is only light shooting, and the artillery of each other do few shots. In the preceding night, the feds tried to leave twice about their positions, but were vigorously rejected by the Constitutionalists.
the evening light shooting, leaving everyone in their positions early. Headquarters will finally get some of that yesterday at nine o'clock the battle ended in Sacramento, the enemy had more or less as three hundred casualties, apart from some prisoners, more than forty men, which, as mentioned earlier, came to our troops with all their equipment. On our side were 50 killed and 95 wounded among the first is the Lieutenant Colonel Cyprian Bridge The enemy, to escape from Sacramento wanted to be strong in El Porvenir., There was again attacked with greater strength, and then felt the need to flee in a hurry Gomez Palacio, losing three trains of provisions fell into the hands of the Lords General Benavides and Hernandez Aguirre Immediately after this action a regiment of those forces, by order of General Benavides, destroyed the railroad between Jameson and San Pedro, with the recommendation to continue the same operation to Station Hipólito This delicate and important commission was granted to Mr Colonel Toribio V of the Saints, while he was appointed to the square of San Pedro de las Colonias General Benavides, with his column, then went to the aid of our forces engaged in Gomez Palacio, and evening of the day camped in Jameson station a short distance from the enemy headquarters. The Commander in Chief is satisfied with behavior that forces observed on the left. , At 9 pm, the extreme right, under the command of General Herrera, vigorously assailed and takes the place of Lerdo

Gómez Palacio Attack-1914-March 24

Nearly four thousand men in the camp of El Vergel. It also refocuses the artillery in the same spot to get ready for any movement. At 9 am, it makes a General Board and discuss the plans for the assault to be made in the night, the enemy seeks to bomb one of our trains is unsuccessful repairs and seems that the feds intend to do a scan to effect that our artillery discovery. At 9.30 the General Headquarters is informed that the enemy has left Gómez Palacio heading to our camp to attack our base of operations, as saying of some: and according to others, to be withdrawn due to Torreon. Mr. General Villa, to convince, bid the soldiers in his saddle ordered the advance guard of 500 men of the brigade Zaragoza in order to strengthen our front. General Herrera personally pays part of the operations carried out by his brigade last night, on the right. Receives orders equip its people and ready-to three in the afternoon. Shall act in the next bout in combination with the Brigades Morelos and Villa, on the wing right. During the day there was light shooting, and the feds fired some gunshots on our field, but. Fortunately without causing any damage. The General Calixto Contreras Severino Ceniceros and receive order to move his people from Pedriceña to Aviles, General Robles, La Perla Nightie, and General Mariano Arrieta, Santiago Papasquiaro this camp. All will munitioned conveniently as they are close. The accident of Brigade Chief Robles, also receives orders to destroy the railroad between Torreon and Parras. It is known that once the Lord General Robles, who was in Durango, is informed that the Division has approached Gomez Palacio, has his immediate departure for this course so it's important to spare no y. valuable assistance.

Attack Cerro de la Pila-March 25, 1914 (Hermanos Aguirre Benavides). ARTILLERY DUEL
The morning passed relatively quietly. Are finalizing preparations for the assault to be made on tonight. At three p.m. leave the forces in their offensive and one hour after the first shot bursts, the artillery duel lasted until seven in the evening. El Niño fires three guns which target one of the the hill forts of La Pila. The Federal guns on our first train browser and fail to hit, despite being three miles from their positions. At five in the afternoon came Mr. Gen. Tomas Urbina with 160 men. Having already reached obscured Mr. Gen. Severino Ceniceros with an escort of two hundred men, indicating that General Contreras enter through Ciudad Lerdo. The right, commanded by General Jose Rodriguez, Urbina and Herrera, vigorously assailed the hill of La Pila, snatching the enemies two of the five artillery positions that were at the top of the hill. Then the extreme right, led by Herrera takes over the part between Gómez Palacio and Ciudad Lerdo, of where the enemy flees reconcentrados Gomez Palacio. The center, formed by the Brigades and Guadalupe Victoria Ortega who fought bravely taking effective as 2,400 men. Unfortunately the attack was not the desired result, because the left wing into action until one o'clock. Formed the left wing and Zaragoza Hernández Brigades. Was this to keep in touch by advanced very slowly, so that at one in the morning that launched the assault, and right wing forces were exhausted with fatigue and could not second that vigorous drive on the left . Ardentía was really remarkable that the latter fought right-wing forces early evening, and was also worth drawing attention to the movement that made the artillery going through a great arc of a circle in front of the Cerro de La Pila.
Impressive and frightening is the show's assault on our troops at Cerro de la Pila. It started at 8.45 pm. He had hardly begun, and it was deafening the noise of the musketry, the heavy guns of the terrible dynamite bombs and deadly machine guns. The noise could be compared to the raging sea or the raging torrent that plunges from the rock removing the tree roots. Not for a moment, the duration of the assault, he could rule the dark on the hill, then that at any moment he lit ominously flashes of those stoic and brave fighters. And the assailant column, first in the plain, very quickly at the foot of the hill, then in half, finally on top, overwhelming and unstoppable progress, however it was impetuous and desperate defense. And just when it began the assault, the Constitutionalist forces crowned the hill so vigorously disputed by the contestants. And then, as the summit came to register acts of supreme courage, actions that are beyond careful observation, but that should be shown as an example to those who come after us. Among others, we have seen the constitutional reach the foot of the pockets, put the muzzle of the loopholes, firing inside, defying accurate and deadly fire of the defenders. A soldier of our forces could put his hand over his mouth to catch embrasure of a gun snatch enemy vigorously, leaving his opponent helpless. Inside the fort, Colonel accurately shelled by Santibanez, there were 11 federal soldiers and an officer were killed soldiers at the hands of us, and only if the officer, feigning death escaped alive
laboriously. The twelve men to which we refer is put inside the fort when they were unable to flee in the company of others who had once advocated federal positions. In this terrible assault and magnificent killed Gen. Ricardo Peña and Eduardo was injured General Ocaranza. By way of this writing, the assault on the hill of La Pila is the greatest acts of war that is recorded in our revolutionary history from 1910. Two thousand men attack a hill no longer than a kilometer, with an inclination of 30 degrees, perfectly afortinado in its top and skirt and defended by more than 500 men, 4 guns, 8 guns and supported by the Fort of Santa Rosa and Gomez Palacio batteries.

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Yesterday's Notes "Newspapers"

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Efemerides Events Review of November

November 1 1876 born in the city of Puebla, Achilles Serdán, precursor of the Mexican Revolution.

1914 Gutierrez was appointed temporary president of Mexico.
2 deNoviembre
"Day of the Dead Celebration."

1821 - The Provisional Governing Board decreed the creation of the Mexican flag.

November 4
1571 - It establishes the Inquisition in Mexico.
1774 - Born in Oaxaca, the historian Carlos Maria Bustamante.

November 5 1853 - Mexico: it opened the first telegraph line.

November 6 1813 - The Congress of Chilpancingo does the Declaration of Independence.
1911 - Start the government of President Francisco I. Madero.
November 7
1907 - died in Sonora railroad Jesus Garcia Corona, better known as "The Nacozari hero. "
1915 - Anniversary of the publication of a draft General Labour Law, and Emiliano Zapata.
1909 - Durango, born Francisca Nellie Campobello (1909-1986), a leading dancer, choreographer, writer and cultural promoter.
November 8
1539 - Emperor Charles V granted Tlacotlán Guadalajara, the city title and coat of arms.
1879 - Porfirio Díaz proclaimed the Plan de la Noria.
November 11
1817 - Is Shot Francisco Xavier Mina.
1873 - Born in Puebla, Carmen Serdán Alatriste, a hero of the Mexican Revolution.
November 1651 - Birth of Mexican poet Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.
1853 - Launch of the call to compose the national anthem.
November 13
1863 - He was murdered Comonfort Ignacio, who was president of Mexico.

November 18
1825 - The Fort of San Juan de Ulua surrender to the Mexicans.
November 19
1811 - Born in San Luis Potosi Ponciano Arriaga ideologue.
November 20
1920 - Starts the Revolution.
1922 - died in a U.S. prison the revolutionary Ricardo Flores Magon.

November 21
1831 - By decree, ordering the establishment of the National History Museum.

November 22
1896 - Death of General Vicente Riva Palacio.

November 23
1855 - Enactment of the "Ley Juarez."

November 24
1957 - Death of Diego Rivera, Mexican genius of painting.
November 26
1919 - Felipe Angeles is shot, Madero revolutionary support and opposed to Carranza.
November 28
1504 - Death of Queen Isabella of Spain.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dryness Before Period


To Lola and Esther (they know why)
"Alone, I? If
thousand words haunt me, like flocks of doves,
I love, I enchant
Yque charm break any forced closure
with fantastic stories of sighs and complaints
"Sad, I?
If the hollow of my soul, the songs explode
that laugh, that piano, on Twitter reververante, which
minstrel limp, I saw colors,
and runs crazy, singing, walking
this heart
Tired, me?
If gallop through the air, the wind syrupy
waist hugs me and holds my hand,
disordered hair and bare
enjoying over the desire and longing excited
"Useless, I?
If I born the stories in the palms
If scent memories, if the songs exude
if the echo of my eyes, the reflection of other lights
remind me, in dreams, landscapes visited
I'm not a prisoner of my body ...
inhabit it and hear it but sometimes I
slipped from her hands

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Does Tiffany Have Sales

Play It Once, Sam, for old times' sake

Bring back the memories of a long-white, the time it was easy to abandon and jump without a net or support, in the well of fortune. Let me dive in its waters in search of the chimera only constrained by the law of desire, when it was easy to pursue a dream, a whisper, a voice or a look. When jumping from absolute joy to the deepest abyss seemed silly. When delivered not mean lost. When leaving was not a being outside. When everything, absolutely everything, was a great event, a movie melody accompanied by our staff, our subject. When we met our first, one and only character.

Bring it all back ... to remember, but, this time when we felt the need of big performances to the smallest gestures.

"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world
, She Walks Into Mine"
in vain to ask where were the promises, where the lies, where time we thought that the tears will never end. Where to ask ourselves why we agree on the same path. Back what is gone is like trying to capture the wind, how to prevent passing the time, lived as if everything did not exist or did not serve teacher.
agree, again, and you approach giving the same gestures, the same chimera Do not you realize? is already washed out by water from the wishing well.

's not your fault, I confess, that what we once treasured, memories became a film in black and white ... we look when we feel nostalgia, especially yourself. It's my fault, I confess, I can not pass through this life leaving the luggage at each port.

"Round up the usual suspects"
The usual suspects: the innocent look, the young heart, enthusiasm and ability all de asombrarme , los guardo para sueños nuevos. Los pañuelos salados, el desvelo insomne de recuerdos pasados, hace mucho que los tengo guardados. Cierto es que, de cuando en cuando, los tiendo al sol para que no se apolillen, para que no huelan a moho pero, especialmente, para mostrarle al silencio los fragmentos, las piezas que componen mi bitácora.

Los tiendo al sol para recordarme que no se puede darlo todo, todo el tiempo ni conformarse con menos.

"The German wore gray. You wore blue"
Hubo un tiempo de mirar la sombra de tus pasos, de escuchar tus secretos, de adivinar tu mirada. Bajo la luz azul con la que te envolvía parecías perfecto: tanto, que sólo bastaba tu presencia para iluminarlo todo; tu sonrisa paraba el (mi) mundo. Tus tormentas se antojaban realmente trascendentes y el fuego de tu ira, contenida en tu silencio, constituía la peor de las catástrofes.
Esas noches, con las sábanas de la incertidumbre cobijando mis arenas, han pasado, como ha pasado ya el tiempo en el que se representaban cuentos... son sólo recortes desteñidos por el tiempo.

No tengo nada que darte, ni deseo que ofrezcas nada nuevo.

"We ´ll always have Paris"
Siempre have something, it's true: I, how much I've learned from this meeting and you ... what do I know? not try to figure out more about your secrets. Impossible to resurrect the dead or try to believe that time only serves to leave the baggage that we carry inside.
do not know if we have grown or just we've grown old, the fact is that life without long nuances that is not part of the trunk of my desires. Now I want people, not imaginary stories.

coffee, which we must, it is best left forgotten or intended for those times when the nostalgia, of self and time that were different, we assaults between projects.

"If not for you "Milka Rabasa

If not for you
would get up early in the day and think

If not for you take care of me
that accumulates in our house
and would make the days shine
for your good, my life for my sake.

If not for you would be relegated to the sad

office to loot your pockets to buy new
and pay overdue bills.

If not for you undress me
to match your desires
and would have to eat your hours
clothes and pretend your youth and eternal bliss.

If not for you, oh! I appreciate how
if not for you you had the happy idea of \u200b\u200babandoning


Ingrid Bergman and Arthur "Dooley" Wilson / Humphrey Bogart "Casablanca" (1942). André Kertész
"Café du D ô me" (1925) Denis
Stuck "Café de Flore" (1958) Saul Leiter
Café des Deux Magots "(1959)
Lego Movie remakes Casablanca

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thesis Statment For Abortion


AZALEA - rhododendrons

• July 23, 2009 • Leave a comment



come from Asia, specifically from China and Japan. Variety

The river is more simple, measuring between 5 and 6 inches in diameter and have a hot pink or light pink or white with dark paint. Its growth is in the months of August or September. These plants have the characteristic to be covered with flowers.

A shrub or semipersistent persistent foliage, much branched, reaching 1 to 1.5 meters high. Slow growing, prefers cold temperate frost. Flowers solitary or clustered at the tip of the branches are white, pink, variegated, yellow or purple. Flowering occurs in spring.

is grown in gardens, containers for balconies little sunny and bright interiors during the flowering period. Soil

Requires deep, loose, fertile, acid. Free chalky material. The land where the azalea plant is dug up to 30 feet deep and filled with a mixture of peat or compost river surf, sand and topsoil in equal parts. This substrate is also perfectly suited for growing in pots.

almost always the black earth of the garden is slightly acidic or neutral.
Soil acidity is enhanced by the addition of peat, pine needle or regular irrigation with 10% solution of vinegar. Payment

The use of 3-5 grams of fertilizer and 1 g of ammonium sulfate under the canopy spread or dissolved in irrigation water in early spring and late summer, says the development and flowering. There

activators such as hydrogen gibberellic applied by spraying the foliage in autumn, stimulate the formation of more flower buds to reach blooming in spring. Irrigation

The soil is kept constantly moist by preventing the flooding of their roots with a watering every 2-3 days in spring and summer.

enough in winter weekly irrigation. Rainwater's favor, however the water affects the excess lime.

Right place

The shady corners with good air circulation and protected from sunlight at midday during the summer are the ideal places to the azalea garden.

benefits from sunlight in the early morning or evening and you may receive during the winter. Avoid frost. As houseplants to keep them away from heaters.

balconies with little exposure to sunlight and protected from strong winds are suitable for cultivation, when the container used has more than 30 inches deep. Propagation

The multiplication of the azalea is by stem cuttings and layering. Layering

The air layering is done in late spring on the part of the industry's growth last year to 15-20 inches from the tip of the branch

Cultivation in the garden

From one month before the start of spring is the right time split planting azaleas in the garden The planting site is improved with the addition of peat, river sand and surf.

is situated in shaded areas in summer and far from trees.

calcareous material accumulated near the walls causes chlorosis of the foliage, the correction is made with the addition of peat, pine needle or irrigation of a solution of vinegar.

fertilization in early spring prolongs the flowering period.

is convenient spray with a fungicide benomyl at the beginning of flowering to prevent rotting flowers. irrigation during flowering should be plentiful every 2-3 days without wetting the flowers.

After flowering is blunt the remains of the flower.

generally requires no pruning. This is done after flowering to form a glass balanced by cutting the branches that grow sloppy.

can be grown with other plants which also require acid soils: hydrangea, camellia, jasmine, Eric.


The pot is held over the summer in a shady spot with a wet substrate in a larger bowl lined with peat or a hole in the garden protected from direct sun of midday.

Placed in a bright and frost in early spring substrate is added to 3-5 g of complete fertilizer and 1 g of ammonium sulfate.

During the winter, watering every 7-10 days in spring and bloom until the end of the day. initiate flowering can be kept bright and airy interior.

to last from one year to another, you have to go outside when it finishes flowering. Le

Potting favors porous clay or mud, avoiding cement.

Diseases The diseases and pests that may have worms are leafminers, whiteflies, aphids and mites. All these can be addressed with appropriate insecticides.

Rhododendrons and Azaleas "?

Azaleas and rhododendrons are closely related plants in the genus Rhododendrons. There are hundreds of species and varieties to choose from.

are shrubs of different sizes and originate mostly from the forests of the Himalayas and parts of China. The azaleas are rhododendrons generally deciduous.

A large number of Azaleas, grown in northern USA and many other evergreens are found naturally in mountainous areas of Europe and parts of Asia.

Most of these plants are distinguished by their leaf size, color, size or shape of their flowers. We should also note that some of them have a delicious perfume. Rhododendrons

The rhododendrons are evergreen, higher than azaleas and have large leaves. Soil


- highly organic, acidic, well-drained soil.


- large flower clusters are carried at the end of the branches in early spring, mostly in shades of white, pink, red and purple. However there are also varieties with yellow, orange and salmon colored blooms. Ideally, the rhododendrons can grow into large trees.

Azaleas Azaleas tend to be smaller, spreading plants with tiny leaves, evergreen or deciduous. Soil ideal - highly organic, acidic, well-drained soil. Blooms

- most azaleas cover themselves with early spring flowers in almost every shade except blue and totally green.

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AZALEA - rhododendrons


The July 20, 1969 man landed on the moon, for those who were children at that time probably remember that day in our house sitting in front of the TV with the family, seeing in black and white images slightly blurry to a man floating and jumping as he leaned into a rock face gray flour, when we asked what it was, we were told some family safely "Today man on the moon ", and we with our young children did not understand at all, also some other family member said with some sarcasm, see if it be true!. At school the teacher told us about that day and made us do all we drew pictures and a large moon and a man wrapped in a spacesuit. largest

When we were in high school we played Santa, for youngsters who do not know this game was as follows: each of the students in the classroom and a teacher (usually elegies do in class the teacher with we had more good wave) we put our name on a small slip of paper, the teacher gathered all the papers in a bag, was stirred well and then went back to their desks each took a piece of paper, opened it and read for himself the name (without saying it aloud), and kept it without showing it to anyone the teacher also took the last piece of paper left in the bag, and so the term of a month or so we send little gifts to our invisible friend (our friend secret), and in turn we received these, who had drawn our name of the bag.

gifts were left in the bank's lucky, or sending it through another partner or the preceptor, not to reveal our identity. On a date that was agreed among all, including complaints from someone who said, "invisible friend whom I agreed, still received nothing," is unveiling the mystery of this form. We meet in the class of that teacher and everyone was calling out who he thought was his friend, sometimes it was easy to guess, like the time I received two silver charms, because one of my friends used them in chains bracelets and even rings. Agendita Once I got a very colorful and had no idea who I could have made that gift so formal, and my friend was the teacher.

remember a poem that spoke volumes and I was sent on a card:

cultivate a white rose In June as in January For the sincere friend ,

Who gives me his hand.

And for the cruel person who tears

The heart with which I live, Thistle and Nettle crop cultivate a white rose.

Go here I remember a special invisible friend Joseph, who received a doll that said "Your friend invisible" and had a blue wig and Scottish hat, a friend who is no longer with us, go in this post my mind and my greetings to all the friends that have always accompanied me and accompany them at this day and especially during all our days.

Friend The International Day is celebrated

an Argentine initiative

Dr. Enrique Ernesto Febbraro.

Clicking on the image you can read about their initiative.

International Friend Day is celebrated by Dr Enrique Ernesto Febbraro, Argentina.

Posted in Events

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is the part of the plant is used as a support function to the leaves, flowers and fruits and conduct the sap through their glasses. It grows in the opposite direction to the root. Unique to plants having a trunk with differentiated tissues for different functions. Source

The stem arises from the gemmules of the embryo and its size is varied depending on the plant.

The main stem has nodes, internodes and buds.

Nodes are bumps that are observed at intervals on the stem. They inserted the leaves and branches. Internodes
In some plants, the stem does not branch, and others done in several ways, causing side branches or stems, which in turn may branch. Sometimes the branches are converted into spines. The stem is attached to the root level of the transition zone called the neck.

buds and branches

The origin of the branches of a stem are the buds. Small ovoid bodies seen in the axils of the leaves, or adventitious buds that can develop anywhere on the stem. stem branching may be lateral or terminal. Lateral


stem lateral buds is independent of the terminal bud, which produces new lateral branches that are growing. Older branches located in the bottom of the plant are longer than the youngest branches located near the top. Giving the plant an appearance of glass. Terminal: is what allows the vertical growth of the plant.

stems are not branching lateral buds do not cause side as the palm trees.

different size classes

The stems are classified according to their consistency, durability, living environment, location, etc..

According to

consistency can be woody, as in heaven, oak, olive, rose, semi-ligneous, like hydrangea and ombú (which is not a tree but a giant grass) or China in the pink, or crops, like wheat, corn, lettuce, thinking, etc.



stems fall in annual plants themselves living in a year: flax, barley, dahlia, etc.., Bi, stems from two years, such as beets, cabbage, etc., And perennial, typical of trees.

For the living environment

may be air, groundwater and water. Stems


The aerial stems are subdivided in proper stem, trunk, cane and stipe. Stem

itself: it is the stem of herbaceous consistency of

own herbs, lettuce, oregano, clove.

stem: the stem is woody, cylindrical trees and shrubs: gorse, jacaranda, orange. Rod: is herbaceous, woody or semi-ligneous, cylindrical, consisting of internodes and nodes very pronounced. Of those born the sheathing leaves. May be hollow, as in wheat.


is a cylindrical stalk ending in a tuft of leaves, and has a single large terminal as the palm trees. Stems underground stems are classified underground rhizomes, tubers and bulbs. sometimes confused with roots should be noted that present buds and, therefore, are stems.


horizontal on the upper side with aerial organs originate buds and adventitious roots at the bottom: lily, Canna edulis. Reserve substances stored. Tubers: thickened by reserve substances stored; have buds that give rise to new plants. The potato is a typical example.

Bulbs: composed of a hard and enlarged stem that produces several buds at the top, and adventitious roots from the lower, more or less the whole ball is covered with leaves usually flakes, white or yellowish leaves called cataphylls, as the reed and lily.


water belong to the plants that live in water, fixed, floating or submerged. In general they are green and some have air-filled spongy spaces that facilitate the flotation, water hyacinth and Irupé.

position stems


stem rises directly from the soil.


stem creeps along the ground, emitting shoots called stolons, which produce aerial roots that give rise to new plants such as strawberry. Climbing: the stems of plants that climb walls or tree trunks by adventitious receives as ivy. The vine climbs by tendrils of wood that are screwed into a spiral. The love of the wall is fixed by adhesive tendrils.

stem functions

stem functions are: circulation of sap, hold the leaves, flowers and fruits and storage, in some cases of food reserves.