Friday, November 6, 2009

Best Friend Running Sayings

the Hero

Francisco Villa
Manifesto to the People of Mexico. September 22, 1914

Al Pueblo Mexicano: The overthrow of the democratic government of Mr. Madero, great motion work revolution of 1910, the Mexican people was launched back to the conquest of their freedoms, showing the nation and the world that have ended forever in our country governments imposed by force and it will only accept and respect to those emanating from the popular will. Constitutionalism

The word engraved on the colors of our flag, contains the entire political agenda of the Revolution, in which shall be resolved on legal grounds and therefore stable, reforms aimed at improving social and economic development of our people.

Although the plan of Guadalupe, released by the C. Venustiano Carranza, offered only the restoration of constitutional government, was accepted, however, by the revolutionary leaders, because they were confident that the First Chief of the Revolution was not only supported the establishment of a democratic government but the economic and social reforms necessary to ensure improve-to the disinherited classes.

Unfortunately, the actions of Mr. Carranza and his statements, engendered in the minds of many revolutionaries fear of not seeing the commitments made that the revolution had made to the people.

North Division, which had been the subject of political intrigues of Mr. Carranza, fearing more than any other that they were disappointed revolutionary ideals, proposed, according to the Army Corps Northwest, the conferences of Torreon, the establishment of a Convention on a democratic basis, to force the first chief to meet with the revolutionary program, ensuring the establishment of a democratic government and the reforms needed benefit the people.

Mr. Carranza refused to accept the Convention on the basis proposed in the covenant of Torreon and decided that entering the capital of the Republic of the Constitutionalist Army, convene a Board to the generals and the governors of the States to study political and social problems of the Revolution. If the Division

North had lost confidence in the First Chief, he could not have either a Board whose members were actually appointed by him, of course it was he who had the authority to confer the rank of General and to appoint governors, so would always assured majority. On taking

Carranza Mexico City, due to the triumph of revolutionary arms in public opinion now and the story tomorrow and will have put in place that corresponds to the Northern Division began to reveal themselves in a manner beyond all doubt the intentions of Mr. Carranza to remain in power indefinitely and rule with an absolutism that no government had had in our history.

First Chief refused to accept the title of Acting President, under that Plan de Guadalupe, it was up, and placed him under constitutional restrictions, retaining only as Chief of the Constitutionalist Army, in charge of the Executive. Changed the formula of the oath of office. There he formed his cabinet in accordance with the Constitution, leaving the administration in charge with the character of Senior Officials. Took in his person the three constitutional powers, suppressing the judiciary, leaving the lives and interests of Mexicans to the discretion of Warlords, without any legal restriction. Constitutional reforms enacted under the exclusive competence of the Chambers, as the removal of the Territory of Quintana Roo. Authorized the violation of rights guaranteed by the Constitution, inter alia, freedom of conscience allowing many governors, exaggerating the Constitutionalist Party just resentment against the Catholic clergy who took part in the coup and sustaining dictatorship, abolished the worship, impose penalties for religious practices authorized by law and deeply hurt the religious sentiment of the people to acts condemned by civilization and the law of nations. Finally, the anarchy that exists in the capital of the Republic and in most state governments, by political blunders and lack of energy Carranza will be added very soon the public misery, caused by the unrest and lack Securities in the cities and fields, and increasingly large depreciation of paper money, whose last issuance of $ 130,000,000 decreed by him without any warranty, will make its value to a small degree and amount to a price out of reach the poorer classes of articles of prime necessity.

Faced with a situation that threatens to undermine the triumph of the Revolution, met with both sacrifice, throwing the country into anarchy and misery, Northern Division sent to Mexico City a delegation to present the first chief of the interim government program is, in short, the immediate re-establishment of constitutional order through the electoral vote and the implementation of land reforms; program signed by General Obregón on behalf of the Army Corps Northwest and myself in the North Division.

Mr. Carranza refused to call elections immediately, to deter-ordinating Board for him to be held on the 1st. October would be that would set the time and manner of its conclusion. This meant that Mr. Carranza last result would be to fix the time and manner of such elections.

Indeed, as the Board would be constituted of all the generals in command and all the governors, in advance could ensure that when the votes within the Board, the majority of its members is of the same opinion Mr. Carranza, since such persons exist for its military and not as representatives of any group of citizens would depend hierarchically on the First Chief of the Army and would be subject to its moral influence.

Notwithstanding, and despite well-founded belief that the Board would only a pretext for the First Chief to continue indefinitely in power, the Heads of Army Group North West and North Division bear witness to his spirit of conciliation agreed to send their delegates, putting only condition that the Board would be treated preferably three issues: confirmation in favor of C. Venustiano Carranza from his position as Interim President of the Republic, which belongs as proclaimed in the Plan of Guadalupe, the restoration of constitutional order by choosing a popular government in the shortest time possible, and finally the adoption sufficiently effective measures to ensure resolution the agrarian problem in a practical sense favorable to the masses.

When they were on their way to Mexico City Mr. Obregon, Army Chief of Staff of the Northwest, and some delegates from the Northern Division, an unexpected incident stopped their march. The first chief, infuriated by alarming news and unsubstantiated by the tabloid press, suspended trade with the places occupied by the Northern Division publicizing thus its resolution to initiate hostilities against those who put pressure on it to force compliance with the commitments of the Revolution, which led the people to armed struggle was not to impose the will someone, but that the same people impose their own.

Given the consideration that every effort would be futile to force the first chief to promptly deliver the power to appoint the popular will, and knowing that the salvation of the Fatherland and the people's interests embodied in the revolutionary principles depend the immediate resolution of their major problems, the Northern Division has decided to ignore as Commander in Chief of the Constitutionalist Army, in charge of executive power, to C. Venustiano Carranza.

This ignorance did not involve an act of ambition on my part, or any of the generals of the Northern Division, and solemnly declare with permission, that neither they nor I will accept the positions of Chairman and Interim Constitution of the Republic, nor those of Vice-Governors, and that according to the other generals, chiefs and army officers who want to contribute to Constitutionalist we will fight to establish a civil government that guarantees all the rights and freedoms of all citizens. In this virtue

invite all Mexican citizens:

FIRST. - To ignore the C. Venustiano Carranza as First Chief Executive Officer of the Nation. SECOND

. - To join the North Division contributing the most effective as they can, to require the separation of C. Venustiano Carranza's Constitutionalist Army Headquarters and the Executive. Immediately

is there to achieve this separation, the generals in command of troops to appoint a civilian with the character of Interim President of the Republic, to call elections since then to restore constitutional order and initiate economic reforms Revolutionary social demands.

order that the electoral turmoil not only verified the election repeat, alert to the current constitutional provision and that the President-elect to implement the program of the Revolution, the Provisional President shall the approval of the Chambers, the reform of the presidential term from six years to start from the date that elect takes office.

North Division offers to establish order and peace in the places to be occupied and respect the lives and interests of its peaceful inhabitants, whether nationals or foreigners.


is very painful for me to demand that the Mexican people a new sacrifice for the revolution can finally realize their ideals expensive, but I have confidence that every honest citizen will understand that without this last effort of the people, would collapse all revolutionary work, because we have ousted a dictatorship to replace it with another.

The Mexican v does not contribute to give way to this great liberation movement on his conscience will regret not having learned to love his country.


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