Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Does Tiffany Have Sales

Play It Once, Sam, for old times' sake

Bring back the memories of a long-white, the time it was easy to abandon and jump without a net or support, in the well of fortune. Let me dive in its waters in search of the chimera only constrained by the law of desire, when it was easy to pursue a dream, a whisper, a voice or a look. When jumping from absolute joy to the deepest abyss seemed silly. When delivered not mean lost. When leaving was not a being outside. When everything, absolutely everything, was a great event, a movie melody accompanied by our staff, our subject. When we met our first, one and only character.

Bring it all back ... to remember, but, this time when we felt the need of big performances to the smallest gestures.

"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world
, She Walks Into Mine"
in vain to ask where were the promises, where the lies, where time we thought that the tears will never end. Where to ask ourselves why we agree on the same path. Back what is gone is like trying to capture the wind, how to prevent passing the time, lived as if everything did not exist or did not serve teacher.
agree, again, and you approach giving the same gestures, the same chimera Do not you realize? is already washed out by water from the wishing well.

's not your fault, I confess, that what we once treasured, memories became a film in black and white ... we look when we feel nostalgia, especially yourself. It's my fault, I confess, I can not pass through this life leaving the luggage at each port.

"Round up the usual suspects"
The usual suspects: the innocent look, the young heart, enthusiasm and ability all de asombrarme , los guardo para sueños nuevos. Los pañuelos salados, el desvelo insomne de recuerdos pasados, hace mucho que los tengo guardados. Cierto es que, de cuando en cuando, los tiendo al sol para que no se apolillen, para que no huelan a moho pero, especialmente, para mostrarle al silencio los fragmentos, las piezas que componen mi bitácora.

Los tiendo al sol para recordarme que no se puede darlo todo, todo el tiempo ni conformarse con menos.

"The German wore gray. You wore blue"
Hubo un tiempo de mirar la sombra de tus pasos, de escuchar tus secretos, de adivinar tu mirada. Bajo la luz azul con la que te envolvía parecías perfecto: tanto, que sólo bastaba tu presencia para iluminarlo todo; tu sonrisa paraba el (mi) mundo. Tus tormentas se antojaban realmente trascendentes y el fuego de tu ira, contenida en tu silencio, constituía la peor de las catástrofes.
Esas noches, con las sábanas de la incertidumbre cobijando mis arenas, han pasado, como ha pasado ya el tiempo en el que se representaban cuentos... son sólo recortes desteñidos por el tiempo.

No tengo nada que darte, ni deseo que ofrezcas nada nuevo.

"We ´ll always have Paris"
Siempre have something, it's true: I, how much I've learned from this meeting and you ... what do I know? not try to figure out more about your secrets. Impossible to resurrect the dead or try to believe that time only serves to leave the baggage that we carry inside.
do not know if we have grown or just we've grown old, the fact is that life without long nuances that is not part of the trunk of my desires. Now I want people, not imaginary stories.

coffee, which we must, it is best left forgotten or intended for those times when the nostalgia, of self and time that were different, we assaults between projects.

"If not for you "Milka Rabasa

If not for you
would get up early in the day and think

If not for you take care of me
that accumulates in our house
and would make the days shine
for your good, my life for my sake.

If not for you would be relegated to the sad

office to loot your pockets to buy new
and pay overdue bills.

If not for you undress me
to match your desires
and would have to eat your hours
clothes and pretend your youth and eternal bliss.

If not for you, oh! I appreciate how
if not for you you had the happy idea of \u200b\u200babandoning


Ingrid Bergman and Arthur "Dooley" Wilson / Humphrey Bogart "Casablanca" (1942). André Kertész
"Café du D ô me" (1925) Denis
Stuck "Café de Flore" (1958) Saul Leiter
Café des Deux Magots "(1959)
Lego Movie remakes Casablanca

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thesis Statment For Abortion


AZALEA - rhododendrons

• July 23, 2009 • Leave a comment



come from Asia, specifically from China and Japan. Variety

The river is more simple, measuring between 5 and 6 inches in diameter and have a hot pink or light pink or white with dark paint. Its growth is in the months of August or September. These plants have the characteristic to be covered with flowers.

A shrub or semipersistent persistent foliage, much branched, reaching 1 to 1.5 meters high. Slow growing, prefers cold temperate frost. Flowers solitary or clustered at the tip of the branches are white, pink, variegated, yellow or purple. Flowering occurs in spring.

is grown in gardens, containers for balconies little sunny and bright interiors during the flowering period. Soil

Requires deep, loose, fertile, acid. Free chalky material. The land where the azalea plant is dug up to 30 feet deep and filled with a mixture of peat or compost river surf, sand and topsoil in equal parts. This substrate is also perfectly suited for growing in pots.

almost always the black earth of the garden is slightly acidic or neutral.
Soil acidity is enhanced by the addition of peat, pine needle or regular irrigation with 10% solution of vinegar. Payment

The use of 3-5 grams of fertilizer and 1 g of ammonium sulfate under the canopy spread or dissolved in irrigation water in early spring and late summer, says the development and flowering. There

activators such as hydrogen gibberellic applied by spraying the foliage in autumn, stimulate the formation of more flower buds to reach blooming in spring. Irrigation

The soil is kept constantly moist by preventing the flooding of their roots with a watering every 2-3 days in spring and summer.

enough in winter weekly irrigation. Rainwater's favor, however the water affects the excess lime.

Right place

The shady corners with good air circulation and protected from sunlight at midday during the summer are the ideal places to the azalea garden.

benefits from sunlight in the early morning or evening and you may receive during the winter. Avoid frost. As houseplants to keep them away from heaters.

balconies with little exposure to sunlight and protected from strong winds are suitable for cultivation, when the container used has more than 30 inches deep. Propagation

The multiplication of the azalea is by stem cuttings and layering. Layering

The air layering is done in late spring on the part of the industry's growth last year to 15-20 inches from the tip of the branch

Cultivation in the garden

From one month before the start of spring is the right time split planting azaleas in the garden The planting site is improved with the addition of peat, river sand and surf.

is situated in shaded areas in summer and far from trees.

calcareous material accumulated near the walls causes chlorosis of the foliage, the correction is made with the addition of peat, pine needle or irrigation of a solution of vinegar.

fertilization in early spring prolongs the flowering period.

is convenient spray with a fungicide benomyl at the beginning of flowering to prevent rotting flowers. irrigation during flowering should be plentiful every 2-3 days without wetting the flowers.

After flowering is blunt the remains of the flower.

generally requires no pruning. This is done after flowering to form a glass balanced by cutting the branches that grow sloppy.

can be grown with other plants which also require acid soils: hydrangea, camellia, jasmine, Eric.


The pot is held over the summer in a shady spot with a wet substrate in a larger bowl lined with peat or a hole in the garden protected from direct sun of midday.

Placed in a bright and frost in early spring substrate is added to 3-5 g of complete fertilizer and 1 g of ammonium sulfate.

During the winter, watering every 7-10 days in spring and bloom until the end of the day. initiate flowering can be kept bright and airy interior.

to last from one year to another, you have to go outside when it finishes flowering. Le

Potting favors porous clay or mud, avoiding cement.

Diseases The diseases and pests that may have worms are leafminers, whiteflies, aphids and mites. All these can be addressed with appropriate insecticides.

Rhododendrons and Azaleas "?

Azaleas and rhododendrons are closely related plants in the genus Rhododendrons. There are hundreds of species and varieties to choose from.

are shrubs of different sizes and originate mostly from the forests of the Himalayas and parts of China. The azaleas are rhododendrons generally deciduous.

A large number of Azaleas, grown in northern USA and many other evergreens are found naturally in mountainous areas of Europe and parts of Asia.

Most of these plants are distinguished by their leaf size, color, size or shape of their flowers. We should also note that some of them have a delicious perfume. Rhododendrons

The rhododendrons are evergreen, higher than azaleas and have large leaves. Soil


- highly organic, acidic, well-drained soil.


- large flower clusters are carried at the end of the branches in early spring, mostly in shades of white, pink, red and purple. However there are also varieties with yellow, orange and salmon colored blooms. Ideally, the rhododendrons can grow into large trees.

Azaleas Azaleas tend to be smaller, spreading plants with tiny leaves, evergreen or deciduous. Soil ideal - highly organic, acidic, well-drained soil. Blooms

- most azaleas cover themselves with early spring flowers in almost every shade except blue and totally green.

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AZALEA - rhododendrons


The July 20, 1969 man landed on the moon, for those who were children at that time probably remember that day in our house sitting in front of the TV with the family, seeing in black and white images slightly blurry to a man floating and jumping as he leaned into a rock face gray flour, when we asked what it was, we were told some family safely "Today man on the moon ", and we with our young children did not understand at all, also some other family member said with some sarcasm, see if it be true!. At school the teacher told us about that day and made us do all we drew pictures and a large moon and a man wrapped in a spacesuit. largest

When we were in high school we played Santa, for youngsters who do not know this game was as follows: each of the students in the classroom and a teacher (usually elegies do in class the teacher with we had more good wave) we put our name on a small slip of paper, the teacher gathered all the papers in a bag, was stirred well and then went back to their desks each took a piece of paper, opened it and read for himself the name (without saying it aloud), and kept it without showing it to anyone the teacher also took the last piece of paper left in the bag, and so the term of a month or so we send little gifts to our invisible friend (our friend secret), and in turn we received these, who had drawn our name of the bag.

gifts were left in the bank's lucky, or sending it through another partner or the preceptor, not to reveal our identity. On a date that was agreed among all, including complaints from someone who said, "invisible friend whom I agreed, still received nothing," is unveiling the mystery of this form. We meet in the class of that teacher and everyone was calling out who he thought was his friend, sometimes it was easy to guess, like the time I received two silver charms, because one of my friends used them in chains bracelets and even rings. Agendita Once I got a very colorful and had no idea who I could have made that gift so formal, and my friend was the teacher.

remember a poem that spoke volumes and I was sent on a card:

cultivate a white rose In June as in January For the sincere friend ,

Who gives me his hand.

And for the cruel person who tears

The heart with which I live, Thistle and Nettle crop cultivate a white rose.

Go here I remember a special invisible friend Joseph, who received a doll that said "Your friend invisible" and had a blue wig and Scottish hat, a friend who is no longer with us, go in this post my mind and my greetings to all the friends that have always accompanied me and accompany them at this day and especially during all our days.

Friend The International Day is celebrated

an Argentine initiative

Dr. Enrique Ernesto Febbraro.

Clicking on the image you can read about their initiative.

International Friend Day is celebrated by Dr Enrique Ernesto Febbraro, Argentina.

Posted in Events

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is the part of the plant is used as a support function to the leaves, flowers and fruits and conduct the sap through their glasses. It grows in the opposite direction to the root. Unique to plants having a trunk with differentiated tissues for different functions. Source

The stem arises from the gemmules of the embryo and its size is varied depending on the plant.

The main stem has nodes, internodes and buds.

Nodes are bumps that are observed at intervals on the stem. They inserted the leaves and branches. Internodes
In some plants, the stem does not branch, and others done in several ways, causing side branches or stems, which in turn may branch. Sometimes the branches are converted into spines. The stem is attached to the root level of the transition zone called the neck.

buds and branches

The origin of the branches of a stem are the buds. Small ovoid bodies seen in the axils of the leaves, or adventitious buds that can develop anywhere on the stem. stem branching may be lateral or terminal. Lateral


stem lateral buds is independent of the terminal bud, which produces new lateral branches that are growing. Older branches located in the bottom of the plant are longer than the youngest branches located near the top. Giving the plant an appearance of glass. Terminal: is what allows the vertical growth of the plant.

stems are not branching lateral buds do not cause side as the palm trees.

different size classes

The stems are classified according to their consistency, durability, living environment, location, etc..

According to

consistency can be woody, as in heaven, oak, olive, rose, semi-ligneous, like hydrangea and ombú (which is not a tree but a giant grass) or China in the pink, or crops, like wheat, corn, lettuce, thinking, etc.



stems fall in annual plants themselves living in a year: flax, barley, dahlia, etc.., Bi, stems from two years, such as beets, cabbage, etc., And perennial, typical of trees.

For the living environment

may be air, groundwater and water. Stems


The aerial stems are subdivided in proper stem, trunk, cane and stipe. Stem

itself: it is the stem of herbaceous consistency of

own herbs, lettuce, oregano, clove.

stem: the stem is woody, cylindrical trees and shrubs: gorse, jacaranda, orange. Rod: is herbaceous, woody or semi-ligneous, cylindrical, consisting of internodes and nodes very pronounced. Of those born the sheathing leaves. May be hollow, as in wheat.


is a cylindrical stalk ending in a tuft of leaves, and has a single large terminal as the palm trees. Stems underground stems are classified underground rhizomes, tubers and bulbs. sometimes confused with roots should be noted that present buds and, therefore, are stems.


horizontal on the upper side with aerial organs originate buds and adventitious roots at the bottom: lily, Canna edulis. Reserve substances stored. Tubers: thickened by reserve substances stored; have buds that give rise to new plants. The potato is a typical example.

Bulbs: composed of a hard and enlarged stem that produces several buds at the top, and adventitious roots from the lower, more or less the whole ball is covered with leaves usually flakes, white or yellowish leaves called cataphylls, as the reed and lily.


water belong to the plants that live in water, fixed, floating or submerged. In general they are green and some have air-filled spongy spaces that facilitate the flotation, water hyacinth and Irupé.

position stems


stem rises directly from the soil.


stem creeps along the ground, emitting shoots called stolons, which produce aerial roots that give rise to new plants such as strawberry. Climbing: the stems of plants that climb walls or tree trunks by adventitious receives as ivy. The vine climbs by tendrils of wood that are screwed into a spiral. The love of the wall is fixed by adhesive tendrils.

stem functions

stem functions are: circulation of sap, hold the leaves, flowers and fruits and storage, in some cases of food reserves.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

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is a species widely cultivated in gardens, balconies and individual pots.


branched shrub, globose, deciduous foliage, 40 centimeters to 1.50 meters. White flowers, blue, blue, pink, red, are grouped in terminal inflorescences, numerous varieties.

is easy to grow and adapts well, support well repaired frost when grown near walls or other elements of greater height. Flowering starts in mid spring and lasts until early fall. Soil

prefers fertile, deep, acid and rejects land with high content limestone. Soil for Hydrangea is corrected with peat, leaf mulch or pine needles brown. Fertility improvement with the addition of River Surf.

The appropriate substrate potting mixture consists of three parts of a hangover from the river, three peat or pine mulch and some sand to improve drainage, the recipient must be over 20 inches deep.

location in the garden The favored locations with good light and air circulation. Direct sunlight at noon affect the color of flowers and produce burns on tender foliage. Damage can be avoided by planting hydrangeas in protected places.

flowers with less intensity when exposed to less than four hours of sunlight and the plants gain more height with larger leaves.

plantations close to walls in the correction is made upon the ground to avoid the harmful effects of calcareous material deposited or accumulated on the ground for construction. Planting

spring is made from choosing cool or cloudy days. The planting hole should be larger than the ground bread to put the plant. The plant is separated from his bread bowl without separating roots intact and placed in the planting hole. Added improved soil with peat moss or pine mulch as it is compacted around the plant to fix the field. They are located at 40 or 50 centimeters and 50 centimeters walls between clumps of plants to achieve good development. Fertilization

The fertilizer around each plant includes three to four weeks after planting in doses of 10 to 15 grams.

From the second year, is performing two fertilizations: When you start sprouting in spring and summer, with doses similar to those listed. Foliage acquires bright green when incorporating a small amount (1-2 grams) of iron sulfate dissolved in irrigation water. Irrigation

Abundant and every 2-3 days during flowering avoid wetting the inflorescence. In winter is reduced to watered regularly to keep the soil slightly damp.


gardens planted in the garden live for many years.

alone are grown avoiding the company of other species.

The acid soil produces blue flowers. The acidity is achieved by watering the soil with a solution of 100 grams of aluminum sulfate and 20 grams of Iron sulfate in five liters of water per plant in spring.

The lack of acidity in the soil produces pink flowers. The white flowering varieties do not change color. Pruning is done in late summer. The branches that have flowered cut stem keeping the new born to them. Also removed the weaker branches.

should protect them from heavy frost with a covering of cloth or newspaper when they have no natural protection.

The potting

low height varieties adapted to growing in pots. container require change and renewal at the end of the substrate the flowering season in autumn. Care

During budding and flowering is watered daily to avoid flooding the substrate.

Fertilization was carried out with 5-10 grams of fertilizer and a gram of ammonium sulfate to promote flowering. The plant is pruned at the end of flowering, leaving only a couple of leaves per branch.


balconies The technique is similar to cultivation in the gardens. In early spring renews the surface layer of the substrate, avoiding root damage.

For more information


can visit this site, where the author Judith King gives us lots of information about this beautiful plant.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Birthday Wish For My Boss


EDITORIAL - June 1909

Hello everyone.

Welcome to Carolina Garden

July and already has reached six months have elapsed since the beginning of this publication and I've noticed with satisfaction that we are many share the same interests towards a better and more attractive garden in our homes, and we care about know how best to understand and care for our plants and flowers.

thank all those who send their queries, try to answer in my humble knowledge and experience, always researching to learn more. This publication began as a tribute to someone special in my life and has been walking paths, discovering and uncovering the personal interests, which is already manifest with a wide horizon. Carolina Garden

appeared in digital compilation of all the monthly, so that they can download to your computer if you like, or just have it compiled in the Sidebar Editions have access to them, I hope that this initiative is to your liking and will be perfected gradually.
Carolina Garden already has more than 2800 attendees, many of them reiterated their visits regularly and have adhered to our feed, have noticed that the publication is continuing dynamism, renewing and reinventing itself. Para más información pueden visitar el sitio de Judith King In my personal garden, the federal Stars have lost almost all its green leaves and one has beautiful red flowers to 4 feet high. Note that a neighbor annoyed by this "aerial invasion" dared to cut without permission, leaving a pile of branches flowering in the trash, but anyway ... there are people who have no sensitivity to appreciate these things.

Jasmine country has lost its green and proceeded to carefully prune it to flourish with full force in warmer times.

Chinese roses even with the first frosts are reluctant to leave to blossom and poke out into the yard and you are caught with deep red, orange and pink, forcing you to contemplate and admire.

The aralia keeps its leaves and pothus extend between its branches.

The quiver is over the height of a first roof and will be required to climb a ladder, when this dies down a bit cold 6 ° C South wind and prevent further tangling light.

One of my cats left a log that had to be stretched and began to nail it in the trunk of one of the Chinese roses, and more I try to avoid to do so, meows and runs away where he wants, it's funny to see a cloak that I have, running through the plants avoiding them.

The geraniums lost their leaves and some dried up and I was renewing.
in the garden I had problems with cutting ants no doubt already noticed the green splendor every morning sent a scout, have come to climb a wall to reach the highest branches of a Jasmine and avoid the destructive effect of my poisons. In other matters the month of July in Buenos Aires has brought events that although not part of the Carolina Garden theme, I can not ignore. As we all know we are experiencing a health emergency because of the influenza A H1N1. This is winter from 21/06 to 21/09 and that certainly exacerbates the situation.

advanced schools in the holidays to 03/08, in short educational activities were suspended for 1 month.

theaters closed for 10 days and was ordered from 10/07 to 13/07 inclusive, day off in the public health, which added to the 09/07, holiday Independence Day make 5 days of rest.
Personally I have no activity as a teacher in school but work at home, as I mentioned in my profile to do Web development. Carolina


For I decided to incorporate permanently some sections, while its specific focus, but qualified their statements and deepen, as the section's where we've had to Carlos Thays and the kitchen section of Argentina, some of you told me they were interested in knowing more.

So the month of July full of activity occurs at home, where in the media we recommend that we leave our house to a minimum. thank you all for being there, we kept in touch, take care. Affections

Editor Carmen Jimenez

Saturday, July 11, 2009

How To Watch Los Hombres De Paco Episodios

EDITORIAL - June 2009


Knowledge of the specific functions of each of the parts of the plant allows the fans to create the conditions that they need to grow, understanding the importance of breathing, excretion, sensitivity and movement.


underground is the body that acts as a support for their aerial parts, absorbs water and minerals in solution, in some cases makes their food supply tank.

adventitious roots

not originate from seed borne on stems and sometimes on leaves.

In some species such as Philodendron, the pothus or the ivy that grows from these roots at the nodes of the stem. The root appears to stem growth and adheres to the ground or support to improve the anchorage is known as an adherent.

nutrífera root is "sticky" which increases the adsorption capacity of water and nutrients within a short time and each new plant has been finally separated.

The root as a depository

The root is thickened by the storage of reserve substances called tuberous. tuberous root produces a new plant only when it has attached a section of stem with the corresponding yolk.

Transplant persistent foliage species

The damage to the roots during transplant affects the growth of persistent foliage plants, also produces a marked imbalance between the plant loses water through transpiration and what can be adsorbed by damaged roots. For this reason, transplantation of species that keep the foliage should be done in autumn or winter when sweating is considerably reduced.

saxígrafa The strawberry and have stems that grow in the axil of some leaves, are called "hoses" and extend horizontally in contact with the ground one of the nodes develop adventitious roots. The stems die

connecting carriers Adaptation to the environment

Fixing the plant and absorbing water and nutrients are the specific functions of the typical root.

desert plants have branched roots near the surface to make efficient use of moisture produced by dew and low rainfall.

Other species, without being trees develop deep roots and in some cases reach the area of \u200b\u200bwater tables. Generally growth of aerial parts of plants occurs in response to the progress of their roots. Bonsai technique is based on this relationship.


a balance is established between the set of roots and top growth.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

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What if you woke up realizing that we are the majority?

What would happen if suddenly an injustice, only one, is repudiated by all, all we are all, no one, not some, but all?

What if rather than be divided, we multiply, we add and subtract the enemy that disrupts our step?

What if us to organize and we faced while unarmed, in silence, in droves, in millions of eyes the face of the oppressors, not alive, no applause, no smiles, no pats on the shoulder, without party songs without singing?

What if I should ask you for you so far, and you for me I'm so far, both for others who are far away and the other for us while we are away?

What if the cry of a continent was the cry from every continent?
if pusiésemos the body instead of lamenting?

What if we break boundaries and move forward, and move, and move forward and move forward?

What if we burn all the flags to have only one, ours that of all or any better because we do not need?

What if you suddenly stop being patriots to be human?

I do not know ... I wonder what would happen?

Mario Benedetti

In Mexico City, the march will depart from the IMSS reform the representation of the state of Sonora (Goldsmith 228, from Edgar Allan Poe and Ibsen, three blocks from Parque Lincoln, Polanco). Take strollers, baby dolls and objects left at the gates of the representation and colored dresses go with a black ribbon of mourning, on the left arm.

If you live in the interior of Mexico, see page ANGELS IN WAITING for information on the march in your city.

Those who are far from the Mexican cities, and our friends abroad, we kindly ask that on July 4, published some input in solidarity with the families of 48 children dead and three are recovering, and / or contact the UNICEF in Mexico, seeking his intervention in this matter so painful:
Representative: Ms. Susana Sottoli

Address: Paseo de la Reforma 645.
Lomas de Chapultepec. Mexico 11000 DFCP
Phone: 52-84-95-30
Fax: 52-84-95-38
Internet: http://www. / mexico

If you require more information about the tragedy and the political use and corruption of the authorities concerned can also visit the following sites:
How many deaths do you need? Sons
Live your childhood
The 46 (now 48) without fear
Women Leadership city

Let's do something in memory of: Andrew, Achilles Axel, Bryan, Camila, Daher, Daniel G. , Daniel R., Emilia, Emily, Herman, Ian, Javier, Ch Jesus, Jesus J, Jonathan, Jorge, John F, John R, July, Lucia, Luis, Mary Miller, Mary Miranda, Martin, Monzerrat, Nayeli, Pauleth, Ruth, James c, Santiago de Jesus, Valeria, Ximena, Xiunelth, Yazmin, Yosef and the other 11 children who still do not have names Fireproof and
