Saturday, July 25, 2009

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is the part of the plant is used as a support function to the leaves, flowers and fruits and conduct the sap through their glasses. It grows in the opposite direction to the root. Unique to plants having a trunk with differentiated tissues for different functions. Source

The stem arises from the gemmules of the embryo and its size is varied depending on the plant.

The main stem has nodes, internodes and buds.

Nodes are bumps that are observed at intervals on the stem. They inserted the leaves and branches. Internodes
In some plants, the stem does not branch, and others done in several ways, causing side branches or stems, which in turn may branch. Sometimes the branches are converted into spines. The stem is attached to the root level of the transition zone called the neck.

buds and branches

The origin of the branches of a stem are the buds. Small ovoid bodies seen in the axils of the leaves, or adventitious buds that can develop anywhere on the stem. stem branching may be lateral or terminal. Lateral


stem lateral buds is independent of the terminal bud, which produces new lateral branches that are growing. Older branches located in the bottom of the plant are longer than the youngest branches located near the top. Giving the plant an appearance of glass. Terminal: is what allows the vertical growth of the plant.

stems are not branching lateral buds do not cause side as the palm trees.

different size classes

The stems are classified according to their consistency, durability, living environment, location, etc..

According to

consistency can be woody, as in heaven, oak, olive, rose, semi-ligneous, like hydrangea and ombĂș (which is not a tree but a giant grass) or China in the pink, or crops, like wheat, corn, lettuce, thinking, etc.



stems fall in annual plants themselves living in a year: flax, barley, dahlia, etc.., Bi, stems from two years, such as beets, cabbage, etc., And perennial, typical of trees.

For the living environment

may be air, groundwater and water. Stems


The aerial stems are subdivided in proper stem, trunk, cane and stipe. Stem

itself: it is the stem of herbaceous consistency of

own herbs, lettuce, oregano, clove.

stem: the stem is woody, cylindrical trees and shrubs: gorse, jacaranda, orange. Rod: is herbaceous, woody or semi-ligneous, cylindrical, consisting of internodes and nodes very pronounced. Of those born the sheathing leaves. May be hollow, as in wheat.


is a cylindrical stalk ending in a tuft of leaves, and has a single large terminal as the palm trees. Stems underground stems are classified underground rhizomes, tubers and bulbs. sometimes confused with roots should be noted that present buds and, therefore, are stems.


horizontal on the upper side with aerial organs originate buds and adventitious roots at the bottom: lily, Canna edulis. Reserve substances stored. Tubers: thickened by reserve substances stored; have buds that give rise to new plants. The potato is a typical example.

Bulbs: composed of a hard and enlarged stem that produces several buds at the top, and adventitious roots from the lower, more or less the whole ball is covered with leaves usually flakes, white or yellowish leaves called cataphylls, as the reed and lily.


water belong to the plants that live in water, fixed, floating or submerged. In general they are green and some have air-filled spongy spaces that facilitate the flotation, water hyacinth and Irupé.

position stems


stem rises directly from the soil.


stem creeps along the ground, emitting shoots called stolons, which produce aerial roots that give rise to new plants such as strawberry. Climbing: the stems of plants that climb walls or tree trunks by adventitious receives as ivy. The vine climbs by tendrils of wood that are screwed into a spiral. The love of the wall is fixed by adhesive tendrils.

stem functions

stem functions are: circulation of sap, hold the leaves, flowers and fruits and storage, in some cases of food reserves.


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