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AZALEA - rhododendrons

• July 23, 2009 • Leave a comment



come from Asia, specifically from China and Japan. Variety

The river is more simple, measuring between 5 and 6 inches in diameter and have a hot pink or light pink or white with dark paint. Its growth is in the months of August or September. These plants have the characteristic to be covered with flowers.

A shrub or semipersistent persistent foliage, much branched, reaching 1 to 1.5 meters high. Slow growing, prefers cold temperate frost. Flowers solitary or clustered at the tip of the branches are white, pink, variegated, yellow or purple. Flowering occurs in spring.

is grown in gardens, containers for balconies little sunny and bright interiors during the flowering period. Soil

Requires deep, loose, fertile, acid. Free chalky material. The land where the azalea plant is dug up to 30 feet deep and filled with a mixture of peat or compost river surf, sand and topsoil in equal parts. This substrate is also perfectly suited for growing in pots.

almost always the black earth of the garden is slightly acidic or neutral.
Soil acidity is enhanced by the addition of peat, pine needle or regular irrigation with 10% solution of vinegar. Payment

The use of 3-5 grams of fertilizer and 1 g of ammonium sulfate under the canopy spread or dissolved in irrigation water in early spring and late summer, says the development and flowering. There

activators such as hydrogen gibberellic applied by spraying the foliage in autumn, stimulate the formation of more flower buds to reach blooming in spring. Irrigation

The soil is kept constantly moist by preventing the flooding of their roots with a watering every 2-3 days in spring and summer.

enough in winter weekly irrigation. Rainwater's favor, however the water affects the excess lime.

Right place

The shady corners with good air circulation and protected from sunlight at midday during the summer are the ideal places to the azalea garden.

benefits from sunlight in the early morning or evening and you may receive during the winter. Avoid frost. As houseplants to keep them away from heaters.

balconies with little exposure to sunlight and protected from strong winds are suitable for cultivation, when the container used has more than 30 inches deep. Propagation

The multiplication of the azalea is by stem cuttings and layering. Layering

The air layering is done in late spring on the part of the industry's growth last year to 15-20 inches from the tip of the branch

Cultivation in the garden

From one month before the start of spring is the right time split planting azaleas in the garden The planting site is improved with the addition of peat, river sand and surf.

is situated in shaded areas in summer and far from trees.

calcareous material accumulated near the walls causes chlorosis of the foliage, the correction is made with the addition of peat, pine needle or irrigation of a solution of vinegar.

fertilization in early spring prolongs the flowering period.

is convenient spray with a fungicide benomyl at the beginning of flowering to prevent rotting flowers. irrigation during flowering should be plentiful every 2-3 days without wetting the flowers.

After flowering is blunt the remains of the flower.

generally requires no pruning. This is done after flowering to form a glass balanced by cutting the branches that grow sloppy.

can be grown with other plants which also require acid soils: hydrangea, camellia, jasmine, Eric.


The pot is held over the summer in a shady spot with a wet substrate in a larger bowl lined with peat or a hole in the garden protected from direct sun of midday.

Placed in a bright and frost in early spring substrate is added to 3-5 g of complete fertilizer and 1 g of ammonium sulfate.

During the winter, watering every 7-10 days in spring and bloom until the end of the day. initiate flowering can be kept bright and airy interior.

to last from one year to another, you have to go outside when it finishes flowering. Le

Potting favors porous clay or mud, avoiding cement.

Diseases The diseases and pests that may have worms are leafminers, whiteflies, aphids and mites. All these can be addressed with appropriate insecticides.

Rhododendrons and Azaleas "?

Azaleas and rhododendrons are closely related plants in the genus Rhododendrons. There are hundreds of species and varieties to choose from.

are shrubs of different sizes and originate mostly from the forests of the Himalayas and parts of China. The azaleas are rhododendrons generally deciduous.

A large number of Azaleas, grown in northern USA and many other evergreens are found naturally in mountainous areas of Europe and parts of Asia.

Most of these plants are distinguished by their leaf size, color, size or shape of their flowers. We should also note that some of them have a delicious perfume. Rhododendrons

The rhododendrons are evergreen, higher than azaleas and have large leaves. Soil


- highly organic, acidic, well-drained soil.


- large flower clusters are carried at the end of the branches in early spring, mostly in shades of white, pink, red and purple. However there are also varieties with yellow, orange and salmon colored blooms. Ideally, the rhododendrons can grow into large trees.

Azaleas Azaleas tend to be smaller, spreading plants with tiny leaves, evergreen or deciduous. Soil ideal - highly organic, acidic, well-drained soil. Blooms

- most azaleas cover themselves with early spring flowers in almost every shade except blue and totally green.


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