At five o'clock the core strengths are proceeding in line deployed by the railroad to Gomez Palacio 37 kilometers distant. The Commanding General with his staff, remains in Bermejillo until 11 am (See map no. 2 at the end of the book.)
At 8 am, arrives from Sacramento Colonel Trinidad Rodriguez, and although it is injured by two bullets pierced his body box, and manifests the entire game, feeling only that his brigade has been so punished. Reports of real combat situation in Sacrament, and ensures that the enemy will be defeated, despite having received a large new reinforcement of Torreon, that his exit from the field of operations, saw the arrival of the forces of General Hernandez, and confirms the surrender a squadron of the enemy, that was passed to our troops with all their equipment. Comes also seriously wounded Colonel Maximo Garcia, Chief of the Brigade Madero raise grave concerns status, having received a wound in the stomach.
The Lord General Villa, sure to find large numbers of soldiers hidden within the 15 trains of the powerful Division, ordered that all supplies and armed individuals are organized into battalions. The effect exceeds what was expected, since 1500 are fully armed men and ammunition. Violently, with the large number of infantry, three battalions are organized, two of them embarking on the train Headquarters and leaving the third to guarnezca Bermejillo Square, under the command of Major Antonio San Román and Carlos Ugartechea. The train goes Headquarters: Moving to achieve the forces that already had several hours away. Concentrated all the forces in Santa Clara, continue the march, and then the show is presented to the viewer's eyes is impressive: the right wing, composed of the Brigades and Benito Juárez González Ortega, extends online-shooter an area not less than five miles, the left wing, also occupy an area about five kilometers, the Brigade formed part of the Villa and Juarez Durango Brigade, and Brigade Guadalupe Victoria, the center is occupied by the two regiments of artillery and two infantry battalions that were discussed before, commanded by Lt. Col. Santiago Ramírez. The enemy has reconcentrated its advanced and destroyed the railroad from the station to the gates of Noah Gomez Palacio City. For this reason, trains Headquarters, Brigade and Sanitary Provisions, stay in the station above. At six o'clock in the afternoon, they sighted the enemy on the outskirts of the city noticing that haste will be strong in purpose-built redoubts.
concerted attack plan is simple: when missing four kilometers to reach the suburbs, our forces must high, disassemble, chaining the horses and, while our artillery bombarded the enemy positions, advancing line of skirmishers protected by it. But however that the march was delayed one hour and the enemy opened their fire cannon from a blind spot, and before our artillery work, the forces were excited, and first at a trot, then gallop, and finally on the run, gives a formidable assault in the midst of a heavy cannon fire. From the outset, our forces will take over the suburbs. Are engaged in a duel to the death, terribly deadly to both fighters. The first enemy grenade killed Odilon Perez, brave captain first of the General Staff. The second wounded Lt. Col. Saul Navarro, Villa Brigade and some soldiers. Our artillery is silent for fear of hurting our children, that were already full of enthusiasm within the city. The fact leave many huddled in the middle of the road, going quite a few rookies, that the feds had very good positions and had studied the shot perfectly, made the first assault will result as 70 dead and 200 wounded. Continue the fight very impetuous struggle all night in the city. An enemy cannon placed in the center of the pile, also known under the name of trenches, never ceases to fire on the city. General Herrera, accompanied by his staff, suffers this deadly fire. Several of the officers are dead and almost all wounded. He would kill his horse. Miraculously escaping the Brigadier.
Attack Gómez Palacio. March 23, 1014
At six o'clock was located the heavy artillery to the direct command of Colonel Servin, and a battery commanded by Colonel Canet Santibanez, at the foot of the hill San Ignacio. General Angeles, meanwhile, also sent directly, a battery is placed to the left side of the road to Central Station between Orchard and Gomez Palacio. Since then notice that your are accurate fire on enemy positions. The feds were well entrenched in the Cerro de La Pila, The Basket, Round House and the houses of the North course, located outside the city. Apart from this, and for the same course, was perfectly placed fortifications. The most serious wounded Lieutenant Colonel Triana Priest, Chief of Staff of the Brigade Benito Juárez.
7 a.m.? General Mr. Herrera received orders to attack Ciudad Lerdo and goes to that place, linking their horses along the Cerro de San Ignacio. At 8 am the artillery commanded by Colonel Santibanez, bomb Trench Hill City and part of Gomez Palacio, and meanwhile the Lord General Villa, accompanied by his bodyguard, gives support to the guns. In the courtyard of the station Gomez, a machine makes movements. Shortly after General Herrera opened fire on Ciudad Lerdo, but seeing Mr. General in Chief Gen. Herrera will be flanked by attacking enemy superior in number and may be at risk our artillery, followed by full escort gives a violent and vigorous cavalry charge. And so great and so powerful thrust of the soldiers who follow the Lord frantic Commanding General, brought together by your courage, do not stop bullets to the enemy, and all danger rush furiously over all in and making hasty flight flee to the adversary that can be contained and dispersed in the most complete disorder. Some time later, when the fleeing enemy horsemen dispersed, ceased fire and General Herrera was to take up positions near the outskirts of Lerdo, ready for the fight of the night. It says in that formidable cavalry charge, supported by the Commander in Chief and Chief of his guard, Lieutenant Colonel Jesus Rios, died Federico Reyna, General Huerta and irregular.
eleven o'clock in the morning. Our casualties during the night can be estimated at 125 dead and 315 wounded, and continue to come from the past, since the struggle is still very bitter. Sacramento reinforcements will arrive at the federal and greatly encouraged. With this, fail to reject us, who leave in order to recover, leaving nothing in the field service forces and artillery. In the afternoon there is only light shooting, and the artillery of each other do few shots. In the preceding night, the feds tried to leave twice about their positions, but were vigorously rejected by the Constitutionalists.
the evening light shooting, leaving everyone in their positions early. Headquarters will finally get some of that yesterday at nine o'clock the battle ended in Sacramento, the enemy had more or less as three hundred casualties, apart from some prisoners, more than forty men, which, as mentioned earlier, came to our troops with all their equipment. On our side were 50 killed and 95 wounded among the first is the Lieutenant Colonel Cyprian Bridge The enemy, to escape from Sacramento wanted to be strong in El Porvenir., There was again attacked with greater strength, and then felt the need to flee in a hurry Gomez Palacio, losing three trains of provisions fell into the hands of the Lords General Benavides and Hernandez Aguirre Immediately after this action a regiment of those forces, by order of General Benavides, destroyed the railroad between Jameson and San Pedro, with the recommendation to continue the same operation to Station Hipólito This delicate and important commission was granted to Mr Colonel Toribio V of the Saints, while he was appointed to the square of San Pedro de las Colonias General Benavides, with his column, then went to the aid of our forces engaged in Gomez Palacio, and evening of the day camped in Jameson station a short distance from the enemy headquarters. The Commander in Chief is satisfied with behavior that forces observed on the left. , At 9 pm, the extreme right, under the command of General Herrera, vigorously assailed and takes the place of Lerdo
Gómez Palacio Attack-1914-March 24
Nearly four thousand men in the camp of El Vergel. It also refocuses the artillery in the same spot to get ready for any movement. At 9 am, it makes a General Board and discuss the plans for the assault to be made in the night, the enemy seeks to bomb one of our trains is unsuccessful repairs and seems that the feds intend to do a scan to effect that our artillery discovery. At 9.30 the General Headquarters is informed that the enemy has left Gómez Palacio heading to our camp to attack our base of operations, as saying of some: and according to others, to be withdrawn due to Torreon. Mr. General Villa, to convince, bid the soldiers in his saddle ordered the advance guard of 500 men of the brigade Zaragoza in order to strengthen our front. General Herrera personally pays part of the operations carried out by his brigade last night, on the right. Receives orders equip its people and ready-to three in the afternoon. Shall act in the next bout in combination with the Brigades Morelos and Villa, on the wing right. During the day there was light shooting, and the feds fired some gunshots on our field, but. Fortunately without causing any damage. The General Calixto Contreras Severino Ceniceros and receive order to move his people from Pedriceña to Aviles, General Robles, La Perla Nightie, and General Mariano Arrieta, Santiago Papasquiaro this camp. All will munitioned conveniently as they are close. The accident of Brigade Chief Robles, also receives orders to destroy the railroad between Torreon and Parras. It is known that once the Lord General Robles, who was in Durango, is informed that the Division has approached Gomez Palacio, has his immediate departure for this course so it's important to spare no y. valuable assistance.

Attack Cerro de la Pila-March 25, 1914 (Hermanos Aguirre Benavides). ARTILLERY DUEL
The morning passed relatively quietly. Are finalizing preparations for the assault to be made on tonight. At three p.m. leave the forces in their offensive and one hour after the first shot bursts, the artillery duel lasted until seven in the evening. El Niño fires three guns which target one of the the hill forts of La Pila. The Federal guns on our first train browser and fail to hit, despite being three miles from their positions. At five in the afternoon came Mr. Gen. Tomas Urbina with 160 men. Having already reached obscured Mr. Gen. Severino Ceniceros with an escort of two hundred men, indicating that General Contreras enter through Ciudad Lerdo. The right, commanded by General Jose Rodriguez, Urbina and Herrera, vigorously assailed the hill of La Pila, snatching the enemies two of the five artillery positions that were at the top of the hill. Then the extreme right, led by Herrera takes over the part between Gómez Palacio and Ciudad Lerdo, of where the enemy flees reconcentrados Gomez Palacio. The center, formed by the Brigades and Guadalupe Victoria Ortega who fought bravely taking effective as 2,400 men. Unfortunately the attack was not the desired result, because the left wing into action until one o'clock. Formed the left wing and Zaragoza Hernández Brigades. Was this to keep in touch by advanced very slowly, so that at one in the morning that launched the assault, and right wing forces were exhausted with fatigue and could not second that vigorous drive on the left . Ardentía was really remarkable that the latter fought right-wing forces early evening, and was also worth drawing attention to the movement that made the artillery going through a great arc of a circle in front of the Cerro de La Pila.
Impressive and frightening is the show's assault on our troops at Cerro de la Pila. It started at 8.45 pm. He had hardly begun, and it was deafening the noise of the musketry, the heavy guns of the terrible dynamite bombs and deadly machine guns. The noise could be compared to the raging sea or the raging torrent that plunges from the rock removing the tree roots. Not for a moment, the duration of the assault, he could rule the dark on the hill, then that at any moment he lit ominously flashes of those stoic and brave fighters. And the assailant column, first in the plain, very quickly at the foot of the hill, then in half, finally on top, overwhelming and unstoppable progress, however it was impetuous and desperate defense. And just when it began the assault, the Constitutionalist forces crowned the hill so vigorously disputed by the contestants. And then, as the summit came to register acts of supreme courage, actions that are beyond careful observation, but that should be shown as an example to those who come after us. Among others, we have seen the constitutional reach the foot of the pockets, put the muzzle of the loopholes, firing inside, defying accurate and deadly fire of the defenders. A soldier of our forces could put his hand over his mouth to catch embrasure of a gun snatch enemy vigorously, leaving his opponent helpless. Inside the fort, Colonel accurately shelled by Santibanez, there were 11 federal soldiers and an officer were killed soldiers at the hands of us, and only if the officer, feigning death escaped alive
laboriously. The twelve men to which we refer is put inside the fort when they were unable to flee in the company of others who had once advocated federal positions. In this terrible assault and magnificent killed Gen. Ricardo Peña and Eduardo was injured General Ocaranza. By way of this writing, the assault on the hill of La Pila is the greatest acts of war that is recorded in our revolutionary history from 1910. Two thousand men attack a hill no longer than a kilometer, with an inclination of 30 degrees, perfectly afortinado in its top and skirt and defended by more than 500 men, 4 guns, 8 guns and supported by the Fort of Santa Rosa and Gomez Palacio batteries.
Great Article!Thanks for sharing this type of information.
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