Monday, June 29, 2009

Trim Female Pubic Hair Through *panties



Latin Name: Bougainvillea hybrids Family: Nyctaginaceae Category: shrub Habit: Climber

Foliage: semipersistent

Flowering: summer to winter

Color: violet-pink or red

Growth: slow

Height: 5-8 meters

Planting: Spring

Multiplication: cuttings, layering in Spring

Substratum: light, drained

Location: Sun

Maintenance: Can be pruned in late winter by cutting the shoots of the year by more than 3 º or 4 º knot Care for cultivation

: with good drainage so that there are no puddles. Mixture of river sand-mulch-universal substrate a ratio of 1-2-4 in volume.

always moist, especially in spring and summer, autumn and winter as the leaves begin to fall and cold be watered more sparingly. If you lose all the leaves will have very little watering. If it were planted on the ground, almost nothing. Temperatures:

The heat does not bother him but the cold can kill. Around 10 º C, start to lose their leaves, if the thermometer reaches O ° C and the plant is young, you usually die. If the plant is grown as have a good root system, but lose the leaves you might not die and sprout the following spring new shoots.

If you are in a pot and gets inside the house, care should be taken with the heat it produces a very dry environment, in this case the leaves would fall due to dry, now you should spray it from time time. I think this system is not good because in the interior of the houses there is usually plenty of light and this could be very serious for this type of plant. So the ideal is to put in a conservatory or a greenhouse that has heating.
For these reasons, this plant is very suitable for areas with Mediterranean climate and not recommended for inland areas.


not need spraying, unless there is a dry environment.


If planted in a pot, water pouring on the water a fertilizer for flowering plants following the manufacturer's instructions.
If planted on the ground, you do not pay.

From late spring to early autumn.
The flowers and bracts emerging from the stems that have come out in spring and fall in the fourth quarter of this

Diseases: Mealy bugs

Basically, which is located on the back of the leaves, as seen in photo attached very difficult to remove with a chemical, the best, but more laborious is clean with an alcohol swab.
Its tiny flowers are white, the color is given by modified leaves called bracts Once they leave the white flowers, the bracts (modified leaves) begin to fade discolor reaching almost completely Care Special

: Although it is a climbing plant has thorns, they do not serve to hold onto a wall or lattice, only to rely on other plants that have at his side, hooking them. Furthermore, because the stem is lignified, starting at the bottom and continuing upward, will assume rigidity, so it is impossible entangled in a fence, should therefore hold their gnarled stems with wire gardener or something similar. PRUNING

Bear in mind that blooms on the previous year's wood. Go cutting on the fly, during the summer, strong branches that shoot from the top to keep the plant below most populous Bougainvilleas Many of those on the market do not lose all the leaves in winter .. Therefore, the best time to prune is in early spring when the plant is just about to awaken.

Severe pruning is to shorten all long branches, leaving a length of about 30 cm. so they are many small twigs where the plant will sprout uniformly. If we left the main stems peeled, the new bud would be few and vigorous shoots, which afearían bearing.

The summer after heavy pruning the plant blooms much less. For this reason, it should be done every year is a soft pruning, cutting only crossing branches, all too long and some where there is greater density, allowing to cut a significant number of medium length branches spread evenly. Every five years or so as needed to make a heavy pruning

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Places To Visit On The Way To Velankanni



Camelia Japonica

Family: Teac

Origin: China and Japan

Features: persistent foliage branched shrub, one to six meters high. Leaves: simple, leathery, dark green, bright 5 to 8 inches long.

Flowers: odorless, 4 to 15 centimeters in diameter, white, pink, red, striped, etc, simple, semi-double or double. Flowering time: late winter and early spring .. Destination: gardens and balconies lower floors.

Adaptation: easy to grow and few care.

Soil: deep (at least 40 inches deep).

Brightness: full, avoiding the midday sun in summer.

Frost resistance: late frosts only affect the flowering.

Environment humidity: not tolerate excessive moisture while in bloom.
Watering: Moderate, once a week. : mealybugs, spray with systemic insecticide (dimethoate)

Propagation: grafting cuttings in summer and autumn. Care: Avoid direct sunlight of midday.



Day 13 Cervical Mucus Pink Tinge



Brassica olaracea


Family: Cruciferae

Origin: Europe
Features: biennial herb to 40 cm high. Galeria de Fotos Camelias Leaves: large, rippled with shades red, pink, yellow and white.

Flowers: single yellow
Flowering time: spring


grouped in clumps
Adaptation: Not suitable for indoor use. Striking maximum in winter. Brightness: full sun

cold resistance: very good, tolerates up to 7 ° C Ambient humidity : susceptible to excess moisture.

Irrigation: regular, 1-2 times per week

Vouchers: not required. Parasitic Causes

: aphids, controlling aphicides.

Propagation: planting in summer. Care: not required.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Crossdressing Underwear For Men


Plumerillo evergreen shrub


Family: Legume

Origin: Southern Brazil and Uruguay

Features: pernea foliage bush up to 3 meters high.

Leaves: dark green compound.

Flores, with bright red stamens, meeting inflorescence.

Flowering time: throughout the year.

Destination: gardens.

Adaptation: easy to grow.

Soil: deep and loose. No de adapta en maceteros.

Luminosidad: a plena luz solar o media sombra.

Resistencia al frío: no tolera heladas intensas; resiste hasta 0°C.
Humedad del ambiente: resiste la sequía del ambiente. Abono: 20 a 50 gramos de harina de hueso y 2 gramos de sulfato de amonio alrededor de la planta en primavera.

Causas parasitarias. Muy resistente. Propagación: estacas en invierno.

Cuidados: requiere soporte durante los primeros 2-3 años hasta formar un tronco rígido.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Doughter Dora Panties

Plumerillo PERENNE


This shrub is prized for its intense and continuous flowering starts in mid spring and lasts until the first frosts of autumn. Features

shrub species easily adapted to different soil types of gardens, also cultivated in pots on balconies.

Its foliage consists of deciduous simple leaves and rough. The flowers are grouped, in a more widespread probe yellowish red when ripe form and show different shades within the same group.

Cultivated varieties measured 50 centimeters to 1.50 meters tall, the desired size is maintained with successive cuttings. Soil


not have greater demands and you should compact the soil slightly moist.

fertile land is in rapid growth, exceeding 1.50 meters in height at 3 years of planting, but flowering is reduced.

location in the garden

Planting and care required

garden planting is done in late winter.

The dimensions of the planting hole should be greater than the size of the container with the plant to accommodate the soil bed without difficulty. Fertilization

The Lantana is very demanding in nutrients. Bone meal incorporated into the soil in spring or at the time of planting, improving and maintaining flowering plant with a more reduced size.

The application of 30 to 50 grams of bone meal is made in a small trench dug circular to 20 inches from the base of the plant which is then covered with the soil.

The use of manure favors only the decreasing production of budding flowers.

Multiplication Latania

stake is made by late winter woody or semi-hard wood cutting in summer.

woody Stake 10-15 centimeters long is made with the bottom cut just below a node.

The soil or substrate is kept moist with irrigation were carried out every three or four days. The stake placed in a bright place develops roots and begins to sprout in 30-35 days.

The new plant is capable being transferred to the garden two years later, can remain in the same pot for a year. Pruning

be done after the winter freeze period, shortening the branches to half its length, is complemented by cutting some weak branches that grow toward the center of the cup and removing branches affected by frost.

should remember: There

Lantana varieties with white flowers, yellow and red.

plant is 80 inches from walls to retain the cup globose to group they are placed at 1-1.20 meters apart from each other.

They adapt easily but with less flowering shady places. active pruning back budding and flowering.

thrives in pots with a minimum depth of 20 centimeters, located in patios and balconies.

attack Resists ants and other garden pests.

Lantanas Beautiful photos and butterflies

Grand Touring High Performance Difference



Satin Flowers

Family: Liliaceae Hermosa Fotos de Lantanas y mariposas

gender is one of the most extensive and original can be found in the field of floriculture. There are endless varieties. Along with tulips and daffodils, are among the most prized. They are perennials, with erect stems that are up to 2 m. or more. The leaves are lanceolate to oval, alternate, sometimes verticillate and bright green.

The flowers appear in clusters at the end of the stem and are composed of six sepals alike. Very aromatic and the color varies from white to orange, yellow, pink, etc. trumpet-shaped, funnel or star. The bulbs are covered with bulbar scales, which are the basic elements from which the leaves develop. In the center there is the flower bud that provides flower, lateral buds are born small buds that give rise to bulblets. Some species, in which these bulbs are presented in the axils of the leaves, method by which they spread. To take root bulb needs to keep the pots in a cool place, protected from frost.

In winter they are subjected to 10-12 º C and how much appear first shoot, move to an area well lit and ventilated at a temperature of 12-16 ° C. When planting, give them a thorough watering, then they must be lower, just enough to keep the soil cool. The temperature should be about 20-25 º C.

The soil is neutral or slightly acid type, but with good ratio of sand for good drainage. The preferred planting time is autumn, to bloom in early spring, although there are so many varieties, we can find a different one for each season.

Gallery Lilium

Photo To learn more about this plant can visit

Gebr. Den Hann Vletter specialized in cultivation, which has achieved beautiful varieties.

URL Gebr. Den Hann


in English

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Can I Use Anbesol In A Tooth Extraction Hole

of good and bad words ...

Dedicated to two "good little girls"
do not expect me to understand
tolerate or fail to judge

Alba, absolute good, white, complacent, restrained, clear, delicate, sweet, clear,
high sculpture, fantasy, fake, freezing, industrious, heroin, hollow,
innocent, irreproachable, undaunted, pristine, untouchable, immovable,
judicious, languid, pitiful, lapidary, pretty, malleable, moral,
marriageable snowy, denied, forgotten, outdated, pure, lazy,
bruise cherub, container, reasonable, saving, subtle, sly
, shy, helpful, self-satisfied, urn, steamy, due and flattering ... VS

Appetite, open, action, Bacchus, kiss, glitter, rough, boisterous, full, hot, carnal,
castanets, shelter, flirting, crazy, confusion,
nonsense, impudence, dissident, erotic, vibrant, involved,
happy, party, feverish, fierce, taste, bagpipes, doodle, appetizing, enjoy,
talk, hilarious, imperfect, impulsive Shortness of breath
playful, secular, lip, lick, tear, loyal, marshmallow, sea,
nascent nectar, navel, obstinate, haggard, poet, feeling, word,
fondness, Quixote, lightning, sex, sweat, winding
Tarumba, storm, breast, testis, mischief,
urgent, courageous, truthful and zafarrancho

Yes, ours is a difference of vocabulary ...

NO I regret nothing
Gioconda Belli

From the woman I am,
sometimes I get to watch
those that could have been;
the gorgeous women,
hardworking, good wives,
wishing my mother.

do not know why I have spent a lifetime
rebelling against them.

Hate your threats on my body.
's fault that their lives impeccable
strange curse,
inspire me.

deny its good offices;
of tears hidden from the husband,
modesty of their nakedness
under the pressed and starched underwear.

These women, however,
looking at me from inside the mirror, lift your finger

and sometimes, I give her reproachful looks
and I win universal acceptance,
be the "good girl" the "honest woman" La Gioconda

me out ten in conduct with the party, the state, friendship,
my family, my children and all other beings abundant
that populate this world of ours.

In this inevitable contradiction between what should have been and what it is, I fought many battles
fatal bites
battles against me
them-they dwell in me wanting to be myself-
maternal transgressing commandments
sore and tear women stumbled internal

that since childhood, I twisted
eyes because I do not fit the perfect mold of your dreams,
because I dare to be this crazy, fallible, tender and vulnerable,
who falls like a lost soul decausas
fair, handsome men
and playful words.

Because, as an adult, I dared to live the childhood closed, and I love
on desktops
-in-office hours and broke

inviolable ties and dared to enjoy a healthy body and

winding with the genes of all my ancestors
endowed me.

do not blame anyone. Rather, I appreciate the gifts.
I do not regret anything, and said Edith Piaf.
But in the dark well I'm falling,
when, in the morning, no more open my eyes, feel the tears
see these other women waiting in the lobby, brandishing
convictions against my happiness. Undaunted

good girls surrounding me
their nursery rhymes and dance with me against this woman

fledged, full

This breasted woman
chest and hips
that for my mother and against it, I like being

Monday, June 8, 2009

Propery Rates In Khargahr


Now the sun will rise as bright
As if no misfortune had occurred at night.
The tragedy has touched me only to me.
The sun - it shines for all.

night Do not bring in;
Sumergidla in eternal light.
A little light has gone out in my home;
Light that brings joy to the world, welcome ye!
Friedrich Rückert

Today I have no words ... so I have borrowed.

No, today I have no words ... I have lost in a sea of \u200b\u200bshattered dreams, broken hopes and maternal tears.

Today I have no words ...

Or rather, I have one:


My Heart, with families in Hermosillo

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Allergic Reaction And Foggy Head


For Miriam, my sister Argentina

Danzan his words and the tip of his feet bursting out laughing

full of grace ...

heart gives a pirouette:
silk dresses in his soul, let

dreams in her hand full of grace ...

The world's a stage:
floating, spirit dances, and the network
your hair
stars and fairies captive
sharing, dancers,
with everyone in their path
dared to imitate her, listening
the corporeal
and dancing with the soul


here with the rhythm of your hope
you share, generous,

full of grace, full of grace ... _____________________________

cumpleblog Happy, friend! A kiss.