Pancho Villa seized and CITY OF SACRAMENTO
Before I left I received news Bermejillo how they fared Sacramento operations, where and had united to fight the people of Don Rosalio Hernandez and Eugenio Aguirre Benavides commanding. As I reported, the fighting still locked far beyond anger. Because it happened, more engaged when Juan Andreu Almazan was that large reinforcements had arrived in Torreon, which tried to break the line Aguirre Benavides had set for fencing.
Trinidad Rodriguez, who at that time came to Sacramento with two bullets in his body, and his words spoke to me: I feel the wounds
, sir, I depart from the battle, but I am suffering the harsh punishment that is suffering my brigade . When they do, I do not look as bad prediction. As presented the fight, it will not be today without that place belongs to us.
And I confirmed this news Maximo Garcia, who also brought there, in more serious condition than the other, it came with a bullet in his belly.
other words, looking at me, for the wounded who came to me, how it was not easy feat of Eugenio Aguirre Benavides, see also, so I told them that this feat is with summaries.
I went to Santa Clara with a good knowledge of the federal, but not as well informed concerning their positions. I knew that Refugio Velasco, who had put in Gomez Palacio his headquarters, were the generals Ricardo Peña, Eduardo Ocaranza and Benjamin Argumedo, three men of great value, and another man of the same law for military occurrences, named Federico Reyna, still there in front of their volunteer forces. The enemy soldiers, including federal and traitors, not down in ten thousand. They had twelve guns, with an enormous supply of grenades. They had plenty of supplies. They had machine guns deployed in fortifications permanent work. And news that confirmed my Velasco available in very large number of very good officers to handle their guns. Arriving
me, I gave orders for the attack on Gomez Palacio. There was a point where the enemy, who retreated before my breakthrough, had all left and re-concentrated around its center, for which they had just destroyed the road south of Noah, station of that name, where my train was approaching. My orders containing this: the right wing, consisting of forces and Toribio Herrera Ortega, would move in firing line in front of five miles, my center, consisting of artillery and two battalions that I had just organize Bermejillo and was placed under the command of Lt. Col. Santiago Ramirez, follow the railway line, my left wing, composed of Brigade and Brigade Villa Juarez in Durango, would advance also handles training on another front of five kilometers. I sent also the headquarters train, the health service and supplies Noah made high while repairing the road. I set that as we were also four kilometers from the village all the troops dismount, for chaining the horses, and infantry and, we would go forward under our guns.
At six o'clock that evening we saw the enemy on the outskirts of the city, we saw how they took in having prepared defenses. And what happened was that in one hour delayed par t of our march, the enemy's artillery opened fire from hidden places before we could work according to my orders, and lighting with it the spirit of all troops was not possible to contain them, but let me go hand in hand in their eagerness to launch the attack. Thus, without removing or wait for new orders, and first at a trot, then gallop and then all rein, the men of my brigade were launched in assault like frenzy, which led, under fire from the guns and enemy machine guns, to the first houses of Gomez Palacio.
then ensued a fierce fight that made them lower them, but that caused us to lower ourselves, because we went forward and discovered that many of the soldiers in my heart, knowing evil of war, but with the momentum of its rage, did not obey orders even spaced. The first grenade federal mató aquella tarde a Abdón Pérez, el pagador que había dejado oculto en Torreón el oro de su pagaduría. La segunda granada hirió a Saúl Navarro, teniente coronel de la Brigada Villa, y a varios de los soldados que iban cerca de él. Pero en verdad que, aumentando a cada momento las bajas que nos causaban los enemigos, pues eran muy certeros sus fuegos y de direcciones muy bien concertadas, más recrecía el combate, por el mucho ánimo de pelea en que andaba arrebatada mi gente. Mirándola, consideraba yo entre mí: "En los planes de la guerra tantos trastornos puede causar el mucho valor como la mucha cobardía." Y me enajenaba de cólera viendo cómo nuestros cañones no podían siquiera fire, since part of my lot Chito, in his innocence, went and tucked between the houses, which spoiled the targets of our parts. That first vicissitudes
my heart and my fried wings its seventy dead and about two hundred wounded, and still more dead, more wounded, made us enemies in the battles of the night. This last was because the forces of Herrera, and himself with his staff, wanted to throw as much about the enemy, who suffered for several hours of gunfire that sent them from the hill called the Battery. And it is a good natural defense of Gomez Palacio, and as the shots of the fire came directed with much expertise, the Maclovio forces found themselves in serious trouble. They left him without a horse and nearly ended his staff, whose officers he killed, or the wounded.
born there that morning of another day after fighting spread as hard as a few hours of starting it. Our dead did not drop our wounded 125 and 315, between them, so serious, a lieutenant colonel surnamed Triana, chief of staff of Herrera. But it is also true that because by that time the general had called our
Angeles artillery in San Ignacio, the hill of that name, there is on the Central Railroad right, below the Vergel. There were several baterías al mando de Martiniano Servín, más otra mandada por Manuel García Santibáñez, y él mismo ordenaba los disparos de otros cañones puestos más cerca del enemigo por el lado izquierdo de la dicha vía.
Yo comprendí entonces que eran muy poderosas las posiciones enemigas de Gómez Palacio, por lo cual llamé a Maclovio Herrera y le dije:
?Señor general, mientras nosotros sostenemos aquí este frente y nuestra artillería bombardea el cerro de la Pila, la Jabonera, la Casa Redonda y las posiciones atrincheradas del norte de la ciudad, alargue usted su línea por la derecha hasta atacar Ciudad Lerdo y tomarla.
Y Maclovio Herrera, sin ignorar que aquella maniobra iba to be very dangerous, shackled his horses at the foot of the hill of San Ignacio and went to fulfill my orders with great value. But it happened that in issuing the said order as I have deceived me. Because the fire of our guns, to be accurate, could not contain the enemy, and the action of my heart, that I was going, did not interfere with any of those movements. So they came to attack Maclovio, instead of waiting, and pushed the number of forces over which he wore, and I saw and understood how it went with the intention of flank and destroy them, and how they looked on top with severe echársenos danger to all our artillery. Then, trying I repair my error, and enable compliance Maclovio out my orders, I thought no more, but I turned on the enemy's cavalry, followed by Jesus Rios and my escort, and it was my burden so much furor not stopped the bullets we wanted to wrap it, and we stopped their pregnancies, but we got to where those forces were, and defeated, and we flee in dispersion, thus the risk disappeared and we got menaced Maclovio Herrera Ciudad Lerdo to approach looking for good positions.
At that load, as then said, Federico Reyna died, the colonel spoke before the volunteers as head of Huerta. And why not, sir, if I was meeting a lot of death, that waited for them with all the hit value of our attack, and if both were exposed there to die the chiefs and officers, including troopers? As I believe, our burden put on a show worth seeing, and was honored to have been part of it, because paralyzed in its action threatening the enemy's army, now learn to be measured more in their footsteps.
That this was or was not, the fighting continued all morning very fierce, and as I seemed then that the enemy reinforcements came to him that front, I ordered the withdrawal of my lines to Vergel. I thought: "You have to wait until night to take over Maclovio Lerdo. You have to wait for the outcome of the action of Sacramento and come to my aid troops and Rosalio Hernandez Aguirre Benavides. "Bucking
our retreat, I saw a young man who was walking over to my horse." Choked both heat and felt so much a thirst for battle, I felt sorry for him. I said
? And who are you, boy?
The answers:
? I'm the biggest Gustavo Bazan, General.
? What are their strengths?
? belong to my General Felipe Angeles, General,
? Lord, why do you come here?
? this morning I came from Sonora para incorporarme en el Vergel, mi general.
?¿Y por qué no se incorporó usted allí con la artillería?
?Porque supe que mi general Ángeles andaba en el frente reconociendo las líneas, y mi deber me mandaba presentármele.
Seguro yo de que aquello era verdad, pues muy cerca de nosotros venía Felipe Ángeles, le dije al mayor Gustavo Bazán:
?Muy bien, muchachito. No se fatigue tanto, ya que ha cumplido con el deber. Si tiene piernas, brinque a las ancas de mi caballo, para que yo lo lleve.
Y frené allí mismo, y le di ocasión de que montara.
A poco de efectuar nosotros aquella reconcentración sobre el Vergel, recibí noticias de que Sacramento was already in our hands, and that the bulk of the brigades Zaragoza, Hernandez, Cuauhtemoc, Guadalupe Victoria Madero came to incorporárseme.
In Sacramento the enemy had just had about 300 casualties, more than 40 men armed and equipped defected to our ranks. To us that action had cost 50 lives, including Lt. Col. Cipriano Puente, and 100 wounded. And as they fled the enemy wanted to be strong in the Future, a point and is named in the line of Torreon Monterrey, again there had defeated us, and had taken their three trains of supplies, and forced him to disperse due to Gomez Palacio. Aguirre Benavides then destroyed the railroad from Jameson to San Pedro de las Colonias and ordered one of his colonels, named Toribio V. de los Santos, with his regiment occupied San Pedro de las Colonias, and then continue to destroy that Hipolito, to close and the move to Monterrey reinforcements could reach the enemy.
the same day in the evening camped at Jameson forces Eugenio Aguirre Benavides. I sent an officer with orders to incorporate me in my camp the next morning for another day. He also sent for him and his team, and his gift Rosalio and more the other forces that had fought with them, words of my affection and my applause. I told them: "These troops have accomplished with the value and expertise of the real military men throughout the length of my orders. His achievement enables us to continue developing our plans."
And when I tasted that yet rejoicing in the night I got the report that the strength of my extreme right, led by Herrera, had just attack and take, with irresistible momentum, Ciudad Lerdo, who was the other I needed victory.
We woke up on March 24 Vergel in our camp, I surrendered to the reorganization of the people to launch a new attack. General Angeles, which helped me in my plans, I had arranged, with my approval, the artillery also concentrated, and from there use it to better positions.
About eight o'clock that morning I joined the 3.500 men and Rosalio Hernandez Aguirre Benavides. Shortly after Herrera introduced me to some of his actions during the fight the previous day. I congratulated him with a very good baby, and told him how much I appreciated their behavior and their troops. A row I added these words:
? For now, General, we stayed at the enemy. Just look how calm seems to be waiting in the attack that we do tonight, or tomorrow.
Which was really great. Because while our trenes seguían ocupados en la reparación de la vía, miraba yo cómo los soldados enemigos andaban levantando el campo de los combates del día anterior.
Mediando la mañana, el enemigo intentó cañonearnos. Lo hacía con el hincapié de estorbar nuestra reparación, pero, según yo creo, con el verdadero ánimo de que mi artillería, contestando le, descubriera sus nuevos emplazamientos. No les respondimos nosotros, conscientes de que aquel fuego no nos molestaba; y aunque nos molestara, nuestros cañones, a la distancia a que los teníamos, casi nada hubieran podido hacer a cambio de revelar sus posiciones. Pero como poco después, muy envalentonados ellos por nuestra inacción, thus essential that any part received relief or reinforcements. Which yes I was sure to come by, since the communication of those troops in the center of the country, as they were already at the beginning of our operations, had just added the lack of communication with Monterrey, and now we are preparing to seek incommunicado Parras and Saltillo.
showed signs of preparing for another start, I moved my escort, over 500 men Aguirre Benavides, and so I reinforced my forehead and makes the enemy keep quiet. They were very large
the difficulties of our attack, and an urgent need to drive according to an agreed plan. Re joined, as in joint to my generals and told them
"Gentlemen, you feel us how rough the action. They are very strong enemy positions in Gomez Palacio. His artillery, for the good quality of the projectiles, the pear the ravages of ours. benefiting them away from fortified positions, while we, without any protection in the plains of the plan, received in the chest on fire from their cannons and machine guns. It is, gentlemen, as I believe, that all express our opinion here, and which all were of one opinion concerning the measures that must be wound to give our purpose is achieved with the least possible death. "
then what was agreed principal of the provisions, which were as follows: general order for the Sunday Arrieta come to our aid with the strength I had in Santiago Papasquiaro; order for the general Calixto Contreras and Severino Ceniceros Pedriceña to move from where they were with their people, to Aviles, the general order for Robles, who was in Durango, approached his brigade, camping in Picardy, to the Pearl; order for the deputy chief of the troops lifted the road between Parras and Torreon, and so close too that part enemy communications.
Because I understand, considering the strong positions of Velasco, the main thing for us was to enclose and weaken in Torreon, so that exhaust the exhaustion of his soldiers and the expenditure of their provisions, and how it was thus essential that any part received relief or reinforcements. Which yes I was sure to come by, since the communication of those troops in the center of the country, as they were already at the beginning of our operations, had just added the lack of communication with Monterrey, and now we are preparing to seek incommunicado Parras and Saltillo.
Trinidad Rodriguez, who at that time came to Sacramento with two bullets in his body, and his words spoke to me: I feel the wounds
, sir, I depart from the battle, but I am suffering the harsh punishment that is suffering my brigade . When they do, I do not look as bad prediction. As presented the fight, it will not be today without that place belongs to us.
And I confirmed this news Maximo Garcia, who also brought there, in more serious condition than the other, it came with a bullet in his belly.
other words, looking at me, for the wounded who came to me, how it was not easy feat of Eugenio Aguirre Benavides, see also, so I told them that this feat is with summaries.
I went to Santa Clara with a good knowledge of the federal, but not as well informed concerning their positions. I knew that Refugio Velasco, who had put in Gomez Palacio his headquarters, were the generals Ricardo Peña, Eduardo Ocaranza and Benjamin Argumedo, three men of great value, and another man of the same law for military occurrences, named Federico Reyna, still there in front of their volunteer forces. The enemy soldiers, including federal and traitors, not down in ten thousand. They had twelve guns, with an enormous supply of grenades. They had plenty of supplies. They had machine guns deployed in fortifications permanent work. And news that confirmed my Velasco available in very large number of very good officers to handle their guns. Arriving
me, I gave orders for the attack on Gomez Palacio. There was a point where the enemy, who retreated before my breakthrough, had all left and re-concentrated around its center, for which they had just destroyed the road south of Noah, station of that name, where my train was approaching. My orders containing this: the right wing, consisting of forces and Toribio Herrera Ortega, would move in firing line in front of five miles, my center, consisting of artillery and two battalions that I had just organize Bermejillo and was placed under the command of Lt. Col. Santiago Ramirez, follow the railway line, my left wing, composed of Brigade and Brigade Villa Juarez in Durango, would advance also handles training on another front of five kilometers. I sent also the headquarters train, the health service and supplies Noah made high while repairing the road. I set that as we were also four kilometers from the village all the troops dismount, for chaining the horses, and infantry and, we would go forward under our guns.
At six o'clock that evening we saw the enemy on the outskirts of the city, we saw how they took in having prepared defenses. And what happened was that in one hour delayed par t of our march, the enemy's artillery opened fire from hidden places before we could work according to my orders, and lighting with it the spirit of all troops was not possible to contain them, but let me go hand in hand in their eagerness to launch the attack. Thus, without removing or wait for new orders, and first at a trot, then gallop and then all rein, the men of my brigade were launched in assault like frenzy, which led, under fire from the guns and enemy machine guns, to the first houses of Gomez Palacio.
then ensued a fierce fight that made them lower them, but that caused us to lower ourselves, because we went forward and discovered that many of the soldiers in my heart, knowing evil of war, but with the momentum of its rage, did not obey orders even spaced. The first grenade federal mató aquella tarde a Abdón Pérez, el pagador que había dejado oculto en Torreón el oro de su pagaduría. La segunda granada hirió a Saúl Navarro, teniente coronel de la Brigada Villa, y a varios de los soldados que iban cerca de él. Pero en verdad que, aumentando a cada momento las bajas que nos causaban los enemigos, pues eran muy certeros sus fuegos y de direcciones muy bien concertadas, más recrecía el combate, por el mucho ánimo de pelea en que andaba arrebatada mi gente. Mirándola, consideraba yo entre mí: "En los planes de la guerra tantos trastornos puede causar el mucho valor como la mucha cobardía." Y me enajenaba de cólera viendo cómo nuestros cañones no podían siquiera fire, since part of my lot Chito, in his innocence, went and tucked between the houses, which spoiled the targets of our parts. That first vicissitudes
my heart and my fried wings its seventy dead and about two hundred wounded, and still more dead, more wounded, made us enemies in the battles of the night. This last was because the forces of Herrera, and himself with his staff, wanted to throw as much about the enemy, who suffered for several hours of gunfire that sent them from the hill called the Battery. And it is a good natural defense of Gomez Palacio, and as the shots of the fire came directed with much expertise, the Maclovio forces found themselves in serious trouble. They left him without a horse and nearly ended his staff, whose officers he killed, or the wounded.
born there that morning of another day after fighting spread as hard as a few hours of starting it. Our dead did not drop our wounded 125 and 315, between them, so serious, a lieutenant colonel surnamed Triana, chief of staff of Herrera. But it is also true that because by that time the general had called our
Angeles artillery in San Ignacio, the hill of that name, there is on the Central Railroad right, below the Vergel. There were several baterías al mando de Martiniano Servín, más otra mandada por Manuel García Santibáñez, y él mismo ordenaba los disparos de otros cañones puestos más cerca del enemigo por el lado izquierdo de la dicha vía.
Yo comprendí entonces que eran muy poderosas las posiciones enemigas de Gómez Palacio, por lo cual llamé a Maclovio Herrera y le dije:
?Señor general, mientras nosotros sostenemos aquí este frente y nuestra artillería bombardea el cerro de la Pila, la Jabonera, la Casa Redonda y las posiciones atrincheradas del norte de la ciudad, alargue usted su línea por la derecha hasta atacar Ciudad Lerdo y tomarla.
Y Maclovio Herrera, sin ignorar que aquella maniobra iba to be very dangerous, shackled his horses at the foot of the hill of San Ignacio and went to fulfill my orders with great value. But it happened that in issuing the said order as I have deceived me. Because the fire of our guns, to be accurate, could not contain the enemy, and the action of my heart, that I was going, did not interfere with any of those movements. So they came to attack Maclovio, instead of waiting, and pushed the number of forces over which he wore, and I saw and understood how it went with the intention of flank and destroy them, and how they looked on top with severe echársenos danger to all our artillery. Then, trying I repair my error, and enable compliance Maclovio out my orders, I thought no more, but I turned on the enemy's cavalry, followed by Jesus Rios and my escort, and it was my burden so much furor not stopped the bullets we wanted to wrap it, and we stopped their pregnancies, but we got to where those forces were, and defeated, and we flee in dispersion, thus the risk disappeared and we got menaced Maclovio Herrera Ciudad Lerdo to approach looking for good positions.
At that load, as then said, Federico Reyna died, the colonel spoke before the volunteers as head of Huerta. And why not, sir, if I was meeting a lot of death, that waited for them with all the hit value of our attack, and if both were exposed there to die the chiefs and officers, including troopers? As I believe, our burden put on a show worth seeing, and was honored to have been part of it, because paralyzed in its action threatening the enemy's army, now learn to be measured more in their footsteps.
That this was or was not, the fighting continued all morning very fierce, and as I seemed then that the enemy reinforcements came to him that front, I ordered the withdrawal of my lines to Vergel. I thought: "You have to wait until night to take over Maclovio Lerdo. You have to wait for the outcome of the action of Sacramento and come to my aid troops and Rosalio Hernandez Aguirre Benavides. "Bucking
our retreat, I saw a young man who was walking over to my horse." Choked both heat and felt so much a thirst for battle, I felt sorry for him. I said
? And who are you, boy?
The answers:
? I'm the biggest Gustavo Bazan, General.
? What are their strengths?
? belong to my General Felipe Angeles, General,
? Lord, why do you come here?
? this morning I came from Sonora para incorporarme en el Vergel, mi general.
?¿Y por qué no se incorporó usted allí con la artillería?
?Porque supe que mi general Ángeles andaba en el frente reconociendo las líneas, y mi deber me mandaba presentármele.
Seguro yo de que aquello era verdad, pues muy cerca de nosotros venía Felipe Ángeles, le dije al mayor Gustavo Bazán:
?Muy bien, muchachito. No se fatigue tanto, ya que ha cumplido con el deber. Si tiene piernas, brinque a las ancas de mi caballo, para que yo lo lleve.
Y frené allí mismo, y le di ocasión de que montara.
A poco de efectuar nosotros aquella reconcentración sobre el Vergel, recibí noticias de que Sacramento was already in our hands, and that the bulk of the brigades Zaragoza, Hernandez, Cuauhtemoc, Guadalupe Victoria Madero came to incorporárseme.
In Sacramento the enemy had just had about 300 casualties, more than 40 men armed and equipped defected to our ranks. To us that action had cost 50 lives, including Lt. Col. Cipriano Puente, and 100 wounded. And as they fled the enemy wanted to be strong in the Future, a point and is named in the line of Torreon Monterrey, again there had defeated us, and had taken their three trains of supplies, and forced him to disperse due to Gomez Palacio. Aguirre Benavides then destroyed the railroad from Jameson to San Pedro de las Colonias and ordered one of his colonels, named Toribio V. de los Santos, with his regiment occupied San Pedro de las Colonias, and then continue to destroy that Hipolito, to close and the move to Monterrey reinforcements could reach the enemy.
the same day in the evening camped at Jameson forces Eugenio Aguirre Benavides. I sent an officer with orders to incorporate me in my camp the next morning for another day. He also sent for him and his team, and his gift Rosalio and more the other forces that had fought with them, words of my affection and my applause. I told them: "These troops have accomplished with the value and expertise of the real military men throughout the length of my orders. His achievement enables us to continue developing our plans."
And when I tasted that yet rejoicing in the night I got the report that the strength of my extreme right, led by Herrera, had just attack and take, with irresistible momentum, Ciudad Lerdo, who was the other I needed victory.
We woke up on March 24 Vergel in our camp, I surrendered to the reorganization of the people to launch a new attack. General Angeles, which helped me in my plans, I had arranged, with my approval, the artillery also concentrated, and from there use it to better positions.
About eight o'clock that morning I joined the 3.500 men and Rosalio Hernandez Aguirre Benavides. Shortly after Herrera introduced me to some of his actions during the fight the previous day. I congratulated him with a very good baby, and told him how much I appreciated their behavior and their troops. A row I added these words:
? For now, General, we stayed at the enemy. Just look how calm seems to be waiting in the attack that we do tonight, or tomorrow.
Which was really great. Because while our trenes seguían ocupados en la reparación de la vía, miraba yo cómo los soldados enemigos andaban levantando el campo de los combates del día anterior.
Mediando la mañana, el enemigo intentó cañonearnos. Lo hacía con el hincapié de estorbar nuestra reparación, pero, según yo creo, con el verdadero ánimo de que mi artillería, contestando le, descubriera sus nuevos emplazamientos. No les respondimos nosotros, conscientes de que aquel fuego no nos molestaba; y aunque nos molestara, nuestros cañones, a la distancia a que los teníamos, casi nada hubieran podido hacer a cambio de revelar sus posiciones. Pero como poco después, muy envalentonados ellos por nuestra inacción, thus essential that any part received relief or reinforcements. Which yes I was sure to come by, since the communication of those troops in the center of the country, as they were already at the beginning of our operations, had just added the lack of communication with Monterrey, and now we are preparing to seek incommunicado Parras and Saltillo.
showed signs of preparing for another start, I moved my escort, over 500 men Aguirre Benavides, and so I reinforced my forehead and makes the enemy keep quiet. They were very large
the difficulties of our attack, and an urgent need to drive according to an agreed plan. Re joined, as in joint to my generals and told them
"Gentlemen, you feel us how rough the action. They are very strong enemy positions in Gomez Palacio. His artillery, for the good quality of the projectiles, the pear the ravages of ours. benefiting them away from fortified positions, while we, without any protection in the plains of the plan, received in the chest on fire from their cannons and machine guns. It is, gentlemen, as I believe, that all express our opinion here, and which all were of one opinion concerning the measures that must be wound to give our purpose is achieved with the least possible death. "
then what was agreed principal of the provisions, which were as follows: general order for the Sunday Arrieta come to our aid with the strength I had in Santiago Papasquiaro; order for the general Calixto Contreras and Severino Ceniceros Pedriceña to move from where they were with their people, to Aviles, the general order for Robles, who was in Durango, approached his brigade, camping in Picardy, to the Pearl; order for the deputy chief of the troops lifted the road between Parras and Torreon, and so close too that part enemy communications.
Because I understand, considering the strong positions of Velasco, the main thing for us was to enclose and weaken in Torreon, so that exhaust the exhaustion of his soldiers and the expenditure of their provisions, and how it was thus essential that any part received relief or reinforcements. Which yes I was sure to come by, since the communication of those troops in the center of the country, as they were already at the beginning of our operations, had just added the lack of communication with Monterrey, and now we are preparing to seek incommunicado Parras and Saltillo.
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