Wednesday, July 15, 2009

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is a species widely cultivated in gardens, balconies and individual pots.


branched shrub, globose, deciduous foliage, 40 centimeters to 1.50 meters. White flowers, blue, blue, pink, red, are grouped in terminal inflorescences, numerous varieties.

is easy to grow and adapts well, support well repaired frost when grown near walls or other elements of greater height. Flowering starts in mid spring and lasts until early fall. Soil

prefers fertile, deep, acid and rejects land with high content limestone. Soil for Hydrangea is corrected with peat, leaf mulch or pine needles brown. Fertility improvement with the addition of River Surf.

The appropriate substrate potting mixture consists of three parts of a hangover from the river, three peat or pine mulch and some sand to improve drainage, the recipient must be over 20 inches deep.

location in the garden The favored locations with good light and air circulation. Direct sunlight at noon affect the color of flowers and produce burns on tender foliage. Damage can be avoided by planting hydrangeas in protected places.

flowers with less intensity when exposed to less than four hours of sunlight and the plants gain more height with larger leaves.

plantations close to walls in the correction is made upon the ground to avoid the harmful effects of calcareous material deposited or accumulated on the ground for construction. Planting

spring is made from choosing cool or cloudy days. The planting hole should be larger than the ground bread to put the plant. The plant is separated from his bread bowl without separating roots intact and placed in the planting hole. Added improved soil with peat moss or pine mulch as it is compacted around the plant to fix the field. They are located at 40 or 50 centimeters and 50 centimeters walls between clumps of plants to achieve good development. Fertilization

The fertilizer around each plant includes three to four weeks after planting in doses of 10 to 15 grams.

From the second year, is performing two fertilizations: When you start sprouting in spring and summer, with doses similar to those listed. Foliage acquires bright green when incorporating a small amount (1-2 grams) of iron sulfate dissolved in irrigation water. Irrigation

Abundant and every 2-3 days during flowering avoid wetting the inflorescence. In winter is reduced to watered regularly to keep the soil slightly damp.


gardens planted in the garden live for many years.

alone are grown avoiding the company of other species.

The acid soil produces blue flowers. The acidity is achieved by watering the soil with a solution of 100 grams of aluminum sulfate and 20 grams of Iron sulfate in five liters of water per plant in spring.

The lack of acidity in the soil produces pink flowers. The white flowering varieties do not change color. Pruning is done in late summer. The branches that have flowered cut stem keeping the new born to them. Also removed the weaker branches.

should protect them from heavy frost with a covering of cloth or newspaper when they have no natural protection.

The potting

low height varieties adapted to growing in pots. container require change and renewal at the end of the substrate the flowering season in autumn. Care

During budding and flowering is watered daily to avoid flooding the substrate.

Fertilization was carried out with 5-10 grams of fertilizer and a gram of ammonium sulfate to promote flowering. The plant is pruned at the end of flowering, leaving only a couple of leaves per branch.


balconies The technique is similar to cultivation in the gardens. In early spring renews the surface layer of the substrate, avoiding root damage.

For more information


can visit this site, where the author Judith King gives us lots of information about this beautiful plant.



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