Monday, June 29, 2009

Trim Female Pubic Hair Through *panties



Latin Name: Bougainvillea hybrids Family: Nyctaginaceae Category: shrub Habit: Climber

Foliage: semipersistent

Flowering: summer to winter

Color: violet-pink or red

Growth: slow

Height: 5-8 meters

Planting: Spring

Multiplication: cuttings, layering in Spring

Substratum: light, drained

Location: Sun

Maintenance: Can be pruned in late winter by cutting the shoots of the year by more than 3 º or 4 º knot Care for cultivation

: with good drainage so that there are no puddles. Mixture of river sand-mulch-universal substrate a ratio of 1-2-4 in volume.

always moist, especially in spring and summer, autumn and winter as the leaves begin to fall and cold be watered more sparingly. If you lose all the leaves will have very little watering. If it were planted on the ground, almost nothing. Temperatures:

The heat does not bother him but the cold can kill. Around 10 º C, start to lose their leaves, if the thermometer reaches O ° C and the plant is young, you usually die. If the plant is grown as have a good root system, but lose the leaves you might not die and sprout the following spring new shoots.

If you are in a pot and gets inside the house, care should be taken with the heat it produces a very dry environment, in this case the leaves would fall due to dry, now you should spray it from time time. I think this system is not good because in the interior of the houses there is usually plenty of light and this could be very serious for this type of plant. So the ideal is to put in a conservatory or a greenhouse that has heating.
For these reasons, this plant is very suitable for areas with Mediterranean climate and not recommended for inland areas.


not need spraying, unless there is a dry environment.


If planted in a pot, water pouring on the water a fertilizer for flowering plants following the manufacturer's instructions.
If planted on the ground, you do not pay.

From late spring to early autumn.
The flowers and bracts emerging from the stems that have come out in spring and fall in the fourth quarter of this

Diseases: Mealy bugs

Basically, which is located on the back of the leaves, as seen in photo attached very difficult to remove with a chemical, the best, but more laborious is clean with an alcohol swab.
Its tiny flowers are white, the color is given by modified leaves called bracts Once they leave the white flowers, the bracts (modified leaves) begin to fade discolor reaching almost completely Care Special

: Although it is a climbing plant has thorns, they do not serve to hold onto a wall or lattice, only to rely on other plants that have at his side, hooking them. Furthermore, because the stem is lignified, starting at the bottom and continuing upward, will assume rigidity, so it is impossible entangled in a fence, should therefore hold their gnarled stems with wire gardener or something similar. PRUNING

Bear in mind that blooms on the previous year's wood. Go cutting on the fly, during the summer, strong branches that shoot from the top to keep the plant below most populous Bougainvilleas Many of those on the market do not lose all the leaves in winter .. Therefore, the best time to prune is in early spring when the plant is just about to awaken.

Severe pruning is to shorten all long branches, leaving a length of about 30 cm. so they are many small twigs where the plant will sprout uniformly. If we left the main stems peeled, the new bud would be few and vigorous shoots, which afearían bearing.

The summer after heavy pruning the plant blooms much less. For this reason, it should be done every year is a soft pruning, cutting only crossing branches, all too long and some where there is greater density, allowing to cut a significant number of medium length branches spread evenly. Every five years or so as needed to make a heavy pruning


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