Saturday, June 20, 2009

Grand Touring High Performance Difference



Satin Flowers

Family: Liliaceae Hermosa Fotos de Lantanas y mariposas

gender is one of the most extensive and original can be found in the field of floriculture. There are endless varieties. Along with tulips and daffodils, are among the most prized. They are perennials, with erect stems that are up to 2 m. or more. The leaves are lanceolate to oval, alternate, sometimes verticillate and bright green.

The flowers appear in clusters at the end of the stem and are composed of six sepals alike. Very aromatic and the color varies from white to orange, yellow, pink, etc. trumpet-shaped, funnel or star. The bulbs are covered with bulbar scales, which are the basic elements from which the leaves develop. In the center there is the flower bud that provides flower, lateral buds are born small buds that give rise to bulblets. Some species, in which these bulbs are presented in the axils of the leaves, method by which they spread. To take root bulb needs to keep the pots in a cool place, protected from frost.

In winter they are subjected to 10-12 º C and how much appear first shoot, move to an area well lit and ventilated at a temperature of 12-16 ° C. When planting, give them a thorough watering, then they must be lower, just enough to keep the soil cool. The temperature should be about 20-25 º C.

The soil is neutral or slightly acid type, but with good ratio of sand for good drainage. The preferred planting time is autumn, to bloom in early spring, although there are so many varieties, we can find a different one for each season.

Gallery Lilium

Photo To learn more about this plant can visit

Gebr. Den Hann Vletter specialized in cultivation, which has achieved beautiful varieties.

URL Gebr. Den Hann


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