Information sent by Dr. Sica Dell'Isola Nelson, president of the Academy of Tango in Montevideo and journalist Juan Angel Miraglia, who have in their possession copies of all the scriptures available to those wishing to verify.
The deed appears Carlos Gardel as a buyer, though of course not known whether these three lots purchased with her own money, or put Ricardo Bonapelch.
The building permit application to the Municipality, signed as seized Bonapelch Gardel.
-The property originally was divided into three patterns and was unified into one that takes the No. 121,649, with a total area of \u200b\u200b1,800 mts.
Berthe Gardes, declared heir of Carlos Gardel, the December 7, 1935, in Buenos Aires, before the Esc Philip T. Ibanez, gave his inheritance to a maximum Arana Iñiguez Julia married, residing at Cerrito 425 Montevideo, price $ 8310, oo .-
And the December 2, 1935, in Montevideo, Ricardo Bonapelch sold to Arana-Iñiguez same, existing buildings on that property .- Price paid $ 15,000 for construction .- oo
Gardel in the alternation of the field included only , for which reason it had to be two scripts, one giving inheritance rights (ie the field) and other buildings sold in the state that were at that time .-

the respective file in the Supreme Court listed as mandatory, the protocol in which consists of writing done by the Esc Carlos Buero Busch on October 30, 1933.
authorizing the clerk of his own hand writing: "Before me, Charles Busch buero, authorizing clerk, appears Mr. Carlos Gardel, expressing Uruguayan be , of \u200b\u200bage, single and resident of Jean Street Jaures number seven hundred thirty-five of the city of Buenos Aires and accidentally by law. "Then follows the description of the negotiated at various aspects of it, as well as the contract price and the payment of the sum total of eight thousand three hundred and ten pesos. Adds even Gardel" has taken possession of the ". The script concludes with the signatures of the seller, Carlos Gardel, the acting professional and witnesses Peter Bernat (1) and Armando Defino ."
We can see that Carlos Gardel, living, 8 days before the drafting of NO WITNESSES holograph signed, which I define Armando kept hidden until after the death of singer again declared Uruguay , as does processing your last document LEGAL in La Guaira, on April 20, 1935, a year and a half after the drafting of the will.
(1) Peter Bernard, a journalist who not only was a close friend of Gardel but his attorney in Montevideo, said witness and signed Uruguayan nationality Gardel with Armando Define in writing to the clerk made Busch Buero to 30 October 1933, says the newspaper obituary "La Mañana" of Montevideo, 25.06.1933, Gardel "... was born on the 2nd. Section Tacuarembó Judicial Department. Dies at age 52 " .
stay Sta Blanca, which states born singer is" coincidentally "in the 2 nd. Section Judicial Department Tacuarembó.
Armando Defino however, denies after the death of the Uruguayan singer who certified while he lived.

The first point the notary reads" that (Gardel) confers special power Mr. Ricardo Bonapelch (1 ) in order to give representation in construction contracts building " then stood in the street Pablo Podesta and known by the Villa Gardel through the years. still other details that are irrelevant.
The November 5, 1937, Maximum Arana, gave the Dr. José Gregorio Lissidini Square, married to Ana Bayardo, and Carlos Alberto Saint Upéry Turienzo, equally acquired hereditary rights buildings were sold, all for the price of $ 20,000, oo .-
On 14 October 1943, Saint Upéry Lissidini and sold to the Commercial Society Collective Passeggio and Company, the said property, the price of $ 28,000, oo .- Of those who were paid $ 11.1341,02 being retained $ 15,258.98 to pay off a mortgage debt, according to the Mortgage Bank settlement .- According writing
January 7 1948, cited Collective Commercial Society, sold to "Passeggio Corporation," the said property for $ 62,350.00 price paid in shares of the corporation, party founder shares and partly in shares .-
was acquired by the State October 15, 1951, as writing of that date, authorized by the Finance Clerk Longo Elia, in the amount of $ 85,000 was paid in cash at the ceremony .- The seller was the signature "Passeggio Company, represented by Ramon Palermo (President) and Leandro Passeggio (Secretary), residing at Avenida 18 July 2025 .- The State
bought for "National Physical Education Committee, be represented in writing by the President of that Don Luis Franzini, by decree of August 6, 1951 .-

--------------------- (1) Ricardo Bonapelch
Government House in Montevideo, President Terra (center), Eduardo V. Haedo, Ricardo Bonapelch (standing center), Carlos Gardel (right of Bonapelch) and guitarists who accompanied him (seated).
Downtown, Dinorah Chouy Supervielle Terra, right, Mrs. Herrera de Lacalle and Carlos Gardel in the Government House in Montevideo.
Terra's relationship with him before breaking the doors Bonapelch Uruguayan politics and the presidential residence. In October 1933, when Gardel last came to Montevideo, Bonapelch (naturally, with the consent of Terra, who served as host) hosted an evening tribute and she fulfilled one of his most cherished dream: to sing with Gardel. Flamboyant as ever, led French champagne to provide in such a memorable occasion.
was celebrating his own victory. Their idolatry Gardel was unstoppable, imitated his clothes, turns of speech, gestures and even thought, as the singer, in rejuvenating your face through plastic surgery that never materialized. Intervened several times on radio shows under the pseudonym of "Bona", copying from Gardel to the style of his guitar. According to experts, the result was not all bad. Bonapelch admired since the days in which his idol had not touched fame. Resolved to know him personally, he traveled to Buenos Aires and waited at the door of a cinema of Flores where it acted. A mutual friend who had accompanied her from Montevideo, where he was born a strange relationship whose center was "The Magician", and in which Bonapelch reduced his role to a mere mirror and magician in his own way, becoming Gardel's wishes into tangible realities.
felt a great pleasure to praise and, above all, to make gifts, like the diamond ring he had in the fatal accident in Medellín, or the clothes I bought four copies, two for the model and two for the imitator, or flights Buenos Aires - Montevideo to resolve to have him nearby. Brag against "the boys" about the friendship was one of his favorite activities. Once, when Gardel in Hollywood called him from the cafe where he was reunited with his friends. The episode anthology: "I spoke Bona! Bar greets you here! Chau Carlitos!" Was all he managed to say. Craving cost U $ S 80 (Mundo Uruguayo, Montevideo, 09.11.1941, p.5 (unsigned article).
At first Gardel was cool to such a strategic deployment to win their company, and called that Double constantly chasing him "The Ghost" nickname changed to "the ring of the house" when he learned he was the son Joseph Salvo, one of the owners of the fashionable hotel. The "house" was prophetic, because once he knew that Gardel wanted to build one in its field Podesta Paul Street (within walking distance of Punta Gorda, Playa La Mulata, which now bears the name of singer) put Bonapelch to work. I had achieved another personal victory: from October 30, 1933 the chameleonic Gardel follower acted as his agent. "Bonapelch would handle the construction of a luxurious villa (multiple rooms, several swimming pools) exclusively by the singer .[...] Gardel was the sole owner of the future building. [...] However, [. ..] owner Bonapelch real name was Ricardo. With their sponsorship money and plans were drawn, they lay a foundation, won every inch of wall. "An incident (the theft complaint against the builder materials Héctor Gajas) allowed" check the name of true owner and to establish that the guarantor in the purchase of materials was Lages " (Di Paula, Tabaré:" Carlos Gardel, martyr orillero "Todo es Historia, Buenos Aires, julio/1969, p.20).
The famous house was a construction and a destination very agitated. Gardel was never to occupy due to his premature death, and probate were so intricate, that after having gone through several hands is now a physical rehabilitation center for disabled.
Money management for the implementation of this work is an example of the wastefulness of Bonapelch. It started with the usual push, promising to sign a Gajas Hector came to $ 100,000 to begin work in peace. Coffee was quoted in "The Stumble" to count and distribute the money, they were only $ 34,000. "How do I sign for $ 100,000 and you have no more than $ 34,000," asked Gajas. "I said, $ 8,000 ... $ 8,000 ... $ 4,000 for ... and $ 2,000 for an employee and $ 2,000 for another, $ 1,000 for one and $ 1,000 for another. Sumal," no are $ 26,000? Well, put them together to make the $ 34,000 and $ 60,000 .[...] The other $ 40,000 are for which lent the money " (sic), said Bonapelch, while he offered $ 2,000 to start the work. In the second half and had no money to pay staff wages ("The Day", 09.08.1941, p.8).
In front, from left to right, Ricardo Bonapelch and Carlos Gardel, rear: Manuel Bernat Peter Barca. Photos taken by photographer Rafael Caruso on the beach "La Mulata" of Montevideo.
From left to right: Ricardo Bonapelch, Carlos Gardel, Pedro and Manuel Barca Bernat.
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