Know the activities that Gardel's House
The command to build house Carlos Gardel meets function important social:
Prime Center for Rehabilitation and Recreation for the disabled under the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay.
works at Casa Carlos Gardel located in Pablo Podesta 1421 - Montevideo.
TEL. 600.03.34 - 601.31.42
The Support Committee is made up of officials, users and parents of children with disabilities. Works in an honorary capacity with the Director of the Centre and is responsible for managing and securing the necessary resources to cover the expenses incurred in the operation of the center.
works at Casa Carlos Gardel located in Pablo Podesta 1421 - Montevideo.
TEL. 600.03.34 - 601.31.42
The Support Committee is made up of officials, users and parents of children with disabilities. Works in an honorary capacity with the Director of the Centre and is responsible for managing and securing the necessary resources to cover the expenses incurred in the operation of the center.
The October 31, 1933, Carlos Gardel bought a share sale and as tradition, the People's Bank of Uruguay ownership and possession of three lots of land situated in the 10th Judicial District Montevideo. The three lots were merged and formed an area of \u200b\u200b1,800 mts. square, fronting on the street Pablo Podesta, then called street "One" and the price was for $ 8,310, oo. By signing the deed the same Carlos Gardel, claiming to be from Uruguay. At the time of his death the property was partially built.
On December 7, Berta Gardés gave his inheritance to the banker Max Arana. Subsequently there were several owners, until it was bought by the National Commission of Physical Education. They ran a summer camp, then a primary school and dorm.
In 1990 he met his fate today inaugurated the First National Center of Rehabilitation and Recreation House Gardel "on February 8, 1995.
"An example of community service and the best tribute that could have done to Carlos Gardel, who was a noble, generous and supportive. An award for the "Wizard", which can represent more than a monument. "
On December 7, Berta Gardés gave his inheritance to the banker Max Arana. Subsequently there were several owners, until it was bought by the National Commission of Physical Education. They ran a summer camp, then a primary school and dorm.
In 1990 he met his fate today inaugurated the First National Center of Rehabilitation and Recreation House Gardel "on February 8, 1995.

Extracted from a newspaper article by Dr. Nelson Sica Dell'Isola - President of the Academy of Tango of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay.
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