• July 23, 2009 • Leave a comment
Family: Araceae
Source: Solomon Islands
Features : Climbing plant with adventitious roots and herbaceous. Grown for its foliage. Leaves
persistent, heart-shaped 10 to 40 inches long, light green spots, lines or irregular yellow areas. Flores
: not enough to bloom outside their habitat.
Destination: cultivated indoors. Adaptations: good, easy to grow. Soil
: loose and fertile. River Surf substrate, peat and topsoil in equal parts. Brightness
: flat, half shade, avoiding direct sunlight.
hardiness: poor, deterioration occurs with less than 8 ° C.
: every 2-3 days in summer and once a week in winter. Payment
: 0.5 grams of ammonium sulfate dissolved in irrigation water once in the spring. Parasitic Causes
: caterpillars, phosphorus insecticide control. Propagation
: grass cuttings in spring.
Care: Avoid over-watering. Change pot in spring.
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