Thursday, February 25, 2010
How To Get Rid Of Scars By Pityriasis
is a gathering of potters, which started in San Carlos, in 1994 at the initiative of a group of Potters of the Valley Calchaquíes (Rafael Bonorino and Martina Wannier) with support of the City of San Carlos, where potters from across the country are invited to make a wing ceramic work from public view, in order to integrate by sharing and exchanging techniques and styles that make the craft of pottery, in a cultural context and geographical like San Carlos, closely linked historically to ceramics.
cultural event, through their publications was taking more and more important, prestigious gathering concerning national ceramic art.
On two occasions, this event was held in Tilcara (Jujuy) and Rodeo (San Juan) at the request of those municipalities. Returning to San Carlos, place of creation, culminating in 2000 with a successful call for more than 50 potters. For all this, even today appears in many guides and tourist-cultural calendars Salta.
• Retrieve the continuity of the "MUD CALCHAQUÍ."
• Create a broader cultural context wing pottery
environment (talks, workshops, exhibitions, video projections)
• Rescue calchaquíes cultural values.
• Community involvement.
• Promote greater cultural tourism.
• Enriching the cultural heritage.
• Creating a room or museum of ceramics in the town of San Carlos.
• Promote a new generation of potters.
• Engender a ceramic center nationwide.
• transcend national boundaries, with international participation.
work mode:
public view will hang in the square "November 4" the town of San Carlos. Participants have four days to carry out their work, Friday night wing parts are baked and Saturday will be held the exhibition and awards ceremony. Folk rock.
We are very excited and biased to return to the organization after 10 years, the MUD Calchaquíes. For this, it is essential to community support and logistical and financial support de la Municipalidad de San Carlos .Teniendo en cuenta ,la tradición popular que , con el correr del tiempo, logro este evento, se percibe un deseo general, de volver a disfrutar , de estos encuentros a partir del barro.
Monday, February 22, 2010
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leaf functions
The leaves perform the functions of photosynthesis, respiration and perspiration.
By green plant photosynthesis (with chlorophyll) in the presence of sunlight (energy source) are able to draw ambient air carbon dioxide, combining inorganic substances (water, mainly), creating or synthesizing organic substances containing carbon and water.
While the raw sap carries minerals, the sap has made organic substances formed by the blade and all bodies that have chlorophyll. form the first organic substances (Starch and sugar) to get other new substances and combinations of existing water and mineral salts that it carries in solution.
To carry out photosynthesis is essential that the plant has:
, which absorbs energy from solar radiation to bond carbon to carbon dioxide water . Green plants placed in dark places, they die because they can not perform photosynthesis. All green plant organs carry out photosynthesis. The mushrooms must live on organic substances in order to develop, because they lack chlorophyll.
, because without it the plant lacks the power to transform minerals into organic substances.
for the transformation of substances and reactions that occur in cells, plants need an optimal temperature that varies in each species. In general the temperature increase activates all functions, but after the optimal temperature, decrease in intensity.
Carbon Dioxide
essential for the synthesis of organic matter. Importance of photosynthesis
is a condition of the permanence of life on earth. Organic substances are produced that feed the plants and animals and obtained the elements and the energy required to form the constituent substances. For the breath of man and animals, and by the combustion, the atmosphere is continually charged carbon dioxide, in the absence of photosynthesis by which plants assimilate huge amounts of the gas producing oxygen, to the time when it would be impossible to breathe.
Breathing is a function of nutrition by which the plant absorbs ambient oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, with energy and water. The performance of all its cells. They also involve enzymes that facilitate chemical reactions. The mechanism of respiration is the reverse of photosynthesis.
absorbs carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.
produces organic materials and stores energy.
ago synthesis of simple compounds is made more complex compounds.
The green bodies made from the plant
absorbs oxygen and exhales carbon dioxideoxidizes, ie burning organic matter , which decomposes and releases energy.
ago analysis, ie to reduce the complex compounds simpler compounds.
The all the organs of the plant.
temperature and respiration
The temperature affects the respiratory, as well as age or type of plant. Gradually increasing the temperature to 45 ° C the respiratory rate increases. If you reach 50 ° C the plant dies quickly.
Transpiration is a function of nutrition through which the plant is apparent, as excess water absorbing roots.The root hairs allow the entry of an excessive amount of water needed to dissolve the salts in the soil.
This excess water is beneficial for the circulation of the sap rising, it makes it less dense, but is unnecessary and even harmful to the plant, so it removes it as a vapor in transpiration.
Some external factors influencing higher transpiration intensity: the lower humidity of the atmosphere, increased temperature and wind, increasing water availability in the soil also internal factors: age of plant, number of stomata, epidermal tissue thickness and permeability of this, and the simultaneous realization of photosynthesis.
When the environment saturated with humidity prevents sweat to the plant, it removed the excess water through the stomata aquifers, which operate only in these cases, the excess water out as droplets, which appear at the end of the ribs, where are these stomata.
For plant removes perspiration distilled water and salt water exudation.
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geraniums Thought
is a plant cultivated for its showy flowers in gardens, planters, balconies bright and sunny windows. Features
Perennial, erect, much branched, semi-ligneous stems, reaches 0.5 to 1.5 meters high. Leaves rounded at the top and sharply toothed, measuring 5 to 10 centimeters.
Most varieties are bicolor or tricolor flowers. Soil
are planted outdoors from mid-October, 35-40 cm apart, with their loaves of land.
fertilization and irrigation improvement Bloom using 20-30 grams of bone meal per plant or 300 grams per square meter of stonemason, built the soil at planting.
be watered every 2-3 days avoid wetting the foliage and flowers. Propagation
This is done by cutting in spring or early summer.
Care takes a lot of light for 4 hours minimum.
shortening the shoots with pruning in spring stimulates sprouting. It
protect from midday sun to avoid burning the tender leaves.
plants are renewed every 2 or 3 years.
prefers low humidity atmosphere.
sprouting spring leaves small and weak: required change in container or substrate.
Shoots elongated and weak (low light), transferred to a brighter place.
yellow leaves with red spots (excessive sunlight): protect from sunlight midday.
geranium propagation
thoughtThe scion is prepared with a terminal bud cut three or four pairs of leaves.
Cut the bottom pair of leaves and the base is coated with rooting hormone.Placed on a wet substrate composed of peat and perlite or peat land equally developed roots in three weeks.
What Are The Parts Of A Vessel With Diagram
• July 23, 2009 • Leave a comment
Family: Araceae
Source: Solomon Islands
Features : Climbing plant with adventitious roots and herbaceous. Grown for its foliage. Leaves
persistent, heart-shaped 10 to 40 inches long, light green spots, lines or irregular yellow areas. Flores
: not enough to bloom outside their habitat.
: good, easy to grow. Soil
: flat, half shade, avoiding direct sunlight.
hardiness: poor, deterioration occurs with less than 8 ° C.
: every 2-3 days in summer and once a week in winter. Payment
: 0.5 grams of ammonium sulfate dissolved in irrigation water once in the spring. Parasitic Causes
: caterpillars, phosphorus insecticide control. Propagation
: grass cuttings in spring.
Care: Avoid over-watering. Change pot in spring.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Lorna Morgan Breastit Images
"Dear friends:
The tragedy and the tragedies in Haiti is moving. It is much suffering, here and there. The information continue to flow begin to realize what happened, especially for damage, destruction, desolation, death. Outlines the public and private initiatives. Describe something of the situation, but still lacking, there is to know, to do, to understand, to feel, to respond. It hurts. Is suffering, here and there. In between, there are expressions of solidarity that qualify the provision and encouragement. And in so many ways, we are giving each other and find answers on what is within our reach ... "
s Thank you all from here and from there.
A big hug and United