dreams, get drunk.
is the time of the cold, love, hurry.
of hours the wind sweeps the streets, roads.
expect trees: you do not wait,
this is the time to live, the only
Jaime Sabines
I have no joy
reactive (Ni idiot glee at the life):
is composed with pieces of my story, rumor
raising my boldness
and collected dust in my stride.
I have, yes, everyday sadness
I try to feed the nostalgia,
because change is beautiful, so beautiful
invented for the sad poetry
In your world black and white,
negriblanco not be a sympathetic look.
I do not want to hear me, you understand
not talk to me or put up, I do not understand:
I will not meet expectations.
I'm a friend of my night, my books
of my trips, my lips and vagina.
From my peaks, depressions and plains,
of good and evil, I am my friend
Tu-white look does not see beyond
what my picture shows:
if think I'm happy smile
and if I cry think I'm very sad.
Tu-white look, does not see that smile
'm fighting a battle
that I celebrate my victory cry
flourish despite my injuries
your world in black and white,
negriblanco is installed convenient routine
completely removed the shock
no room for daring pacts
Without color, Only white is white.
purity not only boring
aseptic Evil is never black, my friend,
Because black is multicolored
your eyes I do not care
-white or hurt your suspicions lapidary .
or define my universe with your magnifying glass
or your guilt in my mirror is reflected
I have cold, and you see, I'm happy
to feel every winter, every hour.
I get sick
boreal dawn or terrify me the ghosts of doubt
-white look does not scare me
not affect me your lack of courtesy
Survive with the pieces of my story
and friendly words that touch me
Every day, every night I reinvented
learning to play with my shortcomings,
and I fear you run out of answers
terrifies me most that do not change the questions.
For all who are dealing with invisible diseases, chronic and poorly understood.
Especially for those who survive, every day, misunderstanding y. .. Oh yeah! fibromyalgia
Especially for those who survive, every day, misunderstanding y. .. Oh yeah! fibromyalgia

Defender Mario Benedetti
joy as a trench
scandal and defending
routine of misery and the miserable
temporary absences
and final joy
defend a principle of awe and nightmares
of neutrals and neutrons
of sweet and serious outrages diagnostic
defend joy as a flag of lightning and defend
melancholy of the naive and the rogue
rhetoric and cardiac arrest
of endemic diseases and academies defend
joy as a destination
defend the fire and firefighters
of the bombers and murderers of
vacation and
burden of the obligation to be cheerful joy
defend defend it as a certainty oxide
y la roña
de la famosa pátina del tiempo
del relente y del oportunismo
de los proxenetas de la risa
defender la alegría como un derecho
defenderla de dios y del invierno
de las mayúsculas y de la muerte
de los apellidos y las lástimas
del azar
y también de la alegría.
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