Monday, March 30, 2009

Chetanapridhivi Where Are They Now

Like water flowing into the sea ... Karesansui

The sea smiles in the distance.
foam teeth, lips

Like water flowing into the sea ... I

along the path:

dreams with my luggage, strapped to her shoulder
life as a guide

heart and hope among paths
hidden ice.
What do you sell, oh young
cloudy with topless?
Sir, I sell
water of the seas.

Like water flowing into the sea ... I

revealing secrets, lies eroding

thousand channels opening
wearing new doubts on the move

What are you, oh, black youth,
mixed with your blood?
Sir, I carry water
of the seas.

Like water flowing into the sea ...

Your memory will float in very small pebbles

battered piling up in my eyes basin
you lighted
singing and today have been silent

Those tears did brackish
where they come from, mother?
weep, sir, agua
de los mares.

Como agua que corre al mar...

Se mezclan pesar y dicha
y en los brillantes destellos
se despedaza la luna
de insomnios y de desvelos
de pertinaces certezas
y obscuros presentimientos

Corazón, y esta amargura
seria, ¿de dónde nace?
¡Amarga mucho el agua
de los mares!

Como agua que corre al mar...
wetted my secrets

words drown my thoughts
the skin is covered with scales
and filled the eyes of salted sorrows

The sea smiles in the distance.
foam teeth, lips

Like water flowing into the sea ...

When it comes to the oceans
my voice sings siren
removing ghosts conjuring seaweed

found a treasure
between phosphorescent algae.

___________________________________________________ The poem, which echoes my voice is
"Balada del Agua de Mar", de Federico García Lorca.


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