When you say
Adolfo Celdran
When you say "Peace yes, but" we know say war.
legality When you say, we know you say power.
When you say solidarity, we know you say oil.
responsibility When you say, we know you say bombing.
When you say economics, we know you say theft.
When you say criminal to criminal,
reflejáis you know that your mirrors.
And is that for you
word is just a slogan,
packaging that you cover the traps.
And not even remember the meanings
of beautiful words, sharing, caring, beautiful
or harsh, unkind, unforgiving,
these days
sprouting of millions of throats
have returned his honor and sense and her beauty words.
betray our words betray and delegate the power that you just
you are traitors.
Devolvednos what no longer is your
and pass into history
of traitors to their people.
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