Saturday, November 27, 2010

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Mud Slide Calchaqui Cecilia Videla

Photos and editing: Cecilia Videla

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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Cholera in Haiti and indolence in the world

RDSol wants to spread a newspaper article, editorial Mexico's Day , a show of solidarity and sorrow regarding the lack of solidarity and indolence of the politicians and leaders of nations who pledged solidarity aid to Haiti from the consequences of the earthquake on Jan. 12.

Cholera in Haiti and indolence in the world

It is disheartening to observe that the goals agreed at the summit above have not been met after 10 months despite the destructive force of the earthquake. If neither the overwhelming balance of tragedy of this natural phenomenon, as exploited by the media, have made the United States, Europe and Latin America for effective implementation of its commitments to Haiti.

Rapid cholera epidemic in Haiti had left, until yesterday, a balance of 643 dead and nearly 10 000 hospitalized, according to the Ministry of Health in the Caribbean country. Since last month, the focus of the outbreak occurred in northern Iraq, in the city of Gonaives, and its expansion to Port au Prince was facilitated by the precarious conditions in which they live forever, the Haitian people. The vulnerability mentioned exponentially worsened by the devastating earthquake of 12 January, which left over 250,000 dead and half a million displaced and few months later, Hurricane Thomas. Faced with this situation, Jon K. Andrus, deputy director of the Pan American of Health -dependence of the World Health Organization (WHO) - said that Port-au-Prince''is a huge hut where conditions are very bad in terms of water and sanitation facilities,''and added that the situation in that island is the best''for a rapid spread of cholera.''

Indeed, Haiti is in a position of vulnerability to any epidemic: hundreds of thousands of Haitians living in overcrowded refugee camps, some of which are flooded after the Tropical Storm and in poor hygiene conditions, as water and food are contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, which a century ago had been eradicated and Haitian soil and, at present, has spread in wastewater.

But while the current cholera epidemic in the poorest country in Latin America -70 percent of the population lives in poverty-is the result of unsanitary conditions referred to, this, in time has been allowed by the failure of the international community. The disaster scenario and present human health requires remembering the warnings, formulated earlier this year by various sectors of international public opinion on the imminent threat of outbreaks arise in that nation, given the poor conditions of hygiene in the population that survived the quake. However, instead of concentrating on putting in place a program that would aim at restoring the country, governments and international organizations were engaged in propaganda cashing tragedy: global forums-called United for a better future for Haiti and Summit World Reconstruction of Haiti, in January and June, respectively, in which were limited to making promises and good intentions and, over the months, left adrift in the hemisphere's poorest nation. Although these meetings are offered international assistance A total of 13 billion dollars, the government has received only 19 percent of that amount, ie about $ 506 million, clearly insufficient resources to rebuild the country's infrastructure.

hopeless It noted that the proposals agreed in the summits above have not been met after 10 months despite the destructive force of the earthquake. If neither the overwhelming balance of tragedy of this natural phenomenon, as exploited by the media, have made the United States, Europe and Latin America for effective implementation of its commitments to Haiti it is doubtful that now, with the cholera epidemic, the inhabitants of that unfortunate country can expect much more than promises from abroad.

In sum, the emergence of an epidemic that was predictable, in fact it was heavily advertised in the days and weeks following the earthquake, not only the direct relation between poverty, poor health and epidemics, but lays bare also the moral backwardness of the international community.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Child Participation Assembly: Our Solutions Act

In the month of October from RDSol we wanted to claim the Call for the Eradication of Poverty from the voices of them children s and youth from various schools in Valencia. The centers participating in this initiative are:

• CP Valencia (5 º and 6 º of Primary)
• Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen and San Vicente de Paul (Secondary)

workshops have been designed with participatory strategies, we that ... " Listening to children and young people venture to explore their desires, their interests, their concerns, challenges us, fills us with dreams and possibilities. Talking to them, sharing different ways of seeing the world we takes a look at ourselves, to ask for our way of relating to them. This interaction also allows us to reopen their own worlds, back to our own life story, who went to retrieve transform today "(" Anthology Participatory Strategies, "Yolanda Corona). So seeing the dubious achievement of the Millennium Goals we asked alternative and more effective measures. We present an example of a group of Primary 6, perhaps his ideas more clear and concrete have been without difficulties the Goals 2015:


SCHOOL: Valencia _C.P

COURSE: 6 th Primary

STUDENT @ S: Irene, Stephanie and Maite

know that the MDGs are:

Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education

Goal 3: Promote gender equality gender equality and empower women

Goal 4: Reduce child mortality

Goal 5: Improve maternal health

Goal 6: Combat HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases

Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development

can we do? Our solutions are:

1. Organizing and the rich where the poor live

2. Everyone has health insurance

3. That all countries come together to ensure that poor countries can have more than one meal per day and for everybody to go to school s

4. In each country its president to help with all things and money to do its job well.

5. That a law that all people be treated equally

6. That Mentalic to them children s rich do not have to be selfish

7. @ That every child is born poor, the rich from 100 €

8. Us to help them with their own factories and have jobs, export things and have money.