Full Name, Address, Postal Code, City, Telephone, email , Curriculum (relationship with pottery) and at least 5 photos of work.
maximum number of participants in the contest : 30. The selection of participants for the competition is at the discretion of the organization.
3. Registration Fee: paid $ 50 on Monday, July 12 accreditation, participants will access a lunch and municipal hostel accommodation in San Carlos.
4. Working method: Technical free. The organization will provide 10 kgs. Red clay drying area quickly. Participants should bring their tools and materials (pigments, etc.). The oven will be a wood , in an oxidizing atmosphere (1000 º approx.) The works must comply with the measures of the oven, taking into account the recommendations.
5. Thematic Focus: Pachamama-Mother Earth.
6. The work will hang in public view in the square "November 4" of the people of San Carlos. Participants have four days to carry out their work, Friday night wing pieces and bake on Saturday will take place exposure and awards (TBD). Selected works will be taken as a donation and pass part of the Board Calchaquí Clay Ceramic Museum in San Carlos. The photos of all the works will be published on the website of the meeting.
7. Participants not selected for the competition are not excluded from the invitation to meet and support activities for the event.
Public School Collaboration Cervantes (Godella, Valencia)
These days the AMPA and students of Cervantes Public School has decided to collaborate with us @ s in the collection of funds that have provided active continue to support Haiti and its reconstruction after the earthquake last January. Under the slogan "We continue on the path of solidarity and hope to the Haitian people" will be a simple campaign in which low, between tod @ s can do much. Consist each student @ voluntarily contribute one euro to a joint piggy bank.
With all between tod @ s we raise will continue to support Bono Center involved with other local Dominican and Haitian Platform to Aid Haiti ( http://plataforma-ayuda-haiti . blogspot.com / ).
are currently carrying out tasks of gathering, recreation, medical care, housing, psychological support to immigrants and especially attention to children.
We thanked the cooperation of everyone and trust in this way solidarity.
flowering plants in the reproductive tract is the flower.
is composed of four bodies: accessories called
two: the calyx and the corolla.
called essential
And two: the androecium and gynoecium.
usually given the name of showy flower parts with color.
In some cases they may miss one or two vital organs.
The flower usually is placed at the end of a shaft called the floral stalk, you can be alone or assembled with other, forming an inflorescence solitary or clustered.
The top of the stretch sole flower stalk forming el llamado receptáculo, donde se insertan los cuatro ciclos florales: el cáliz, en la parte exterior, la corola, el androceo y el gineceo.
El cáliz
Está formado por hojas modificadas llamadas sépalos, generalmente son verdes.
Pueden estar separados entre si como en la rosa o soldados unos con otros como en la arveja.
Puede ser regular cuando todos los sépalos son iguales como en la rosa o irregular, cuando no son iguales como en el Taco de reina.
La corola
Esta protegiendo a la flor, esta formada por hojas modificadas llamadas pétalos, generalmente de color, although sometimes they are green and in the vine.
The petals can be separated (dialipétala) each other as in the pink, or soldiers (gamopetalous) and the margarita.
The petals may be different in shape, color and size each other are called abnormal, and some have spurs and the Taco Queen. Colors
The flowers usually have brightly colored petals, give off different scents and have liquid sugar, which attracts insects. Within
flowers is an increase in temperature favors the evaporation of essential oils in their tissues and give each its distinct odor.
androecium is formed by stamens are the male organs of the plant.
The yarn consists of filament and anther. Strand
: a support filiform, flexible and cylindrical. Anther
: is the core of the yarn, and is attached to the filament. The anthers are composed of two parts, there occur in pollen grains.
The anther consists of two symmetrical parts called the pollen sacs. Gynoecium
is the female organ, is at the center of the flower. This consists of one or more modified leaves, called carpels.
The gynoecium consists of: Ovarian
: enlarged part, as a balloon that is inserted into the receptacle of the flower.
Style: Column hollow or filled with spongy tissue, of varying lengths.
Stigma: Part widened, located at the end of the style.
Stigma sugary liquid secreted, as the plant that hold the pollen grain and feed. The ovary is an essential part of the gynoecium, the eggs are.
sexual elements of the plant
these elements in flowering plants are the pollen grain and egg.
Pollen is the male sexual element of the flower produced by the pollen sacs found in the anthers.
is presented in the form of fine powder, usually yellow, but may have different colors.
The egg is the female sexual element contained in the flower ovary.
function of the flower
The essential function is to form flower seed that will lead to another plant of the same species. Pollination
Named to the transfer of pollen grain from the anther to the stigma. Can be direct or indirect.
Direct :
When the pollen falls on the stigma of the same flower, which is only possible in the hermaphrodite flowers, ie have androecium and gynoecium.
indirect or cross :
is the most common pollen from one flower falls on the stigma of another of the same species.
For the pollen from one flower reaches the stigma of another, involving a variety of external agents: wind, insects, birds, water and man.
Wind (anemophily) : Pollen is usually very light, very abundant and some Sometimes the grains have two air-filled blisters, which make it even lighter. Video
forms of pollination:
Insects (entomophilous) : It is made by bees and butterflies. The colorful flowers give off scents that attract insects, they suck the nectar and pollen sticks to your body and your legs, which have in other flowers they visit.
Video of bees and flowers:
Birds (ornithophilous) : Mainly the hummingbirds feed on nectar from flowers and act like insects.
water (hydrophilic) : Using streams in flowers floating-well this is another insect pollinators, "to make them collide.
Man (artificial) : The place to get new varieties of plants or to ensure pollination.
To share:
A beautiful panoramic image of a swarm of bees in the hive (to enter click on the image and then move the mouse over it to see the scene).
Filed under: Horticulture and Gardening , bee, pollination video
In these last weeks of February, we conducted several workshops in primary school classrooms in order to share space and supportive exchanges Dominican-Haitian children. The structure and content of the workshops were as follows:
- Introduction to the association through our blog " RDSol ."
- Exposure of an awareness video of the Community Schoolhouse managed by the NGO One Respe , with whom we work for years to perform volunteer work in the Dominican Republic. These Schoolhouse Community are in the regions of Haina and Santiago de los Caballeros and work with children Dominicans, Haitians, Dominican Haitians, ages 1-9 years. Community Schools are intercultural education projects are framed in a strategy of community organizing in neighborhoods marked by racism, segregation, poverty and exclusion.
- Round of students' questions on the status of the Schoolhouse And community awareness of the need to involve children.
The experience was very emotional and rewarding as it has aroused curiosity and initiative to build bridges of communication between several classrooms. It has also led to the presentation of more drawings for the logo contest RDSol , we will publish in a few days.
Hengduan mountains is a mountain in China (Latitude: 22 ° ~ 32 ° 05 'N, Longitude: 97 ° ~ 103 ° E). The mountains are located in the province of Sichuan, Yunnan and eastern Tibet Autonomous Region. The southern end of the range forms the border between Burma and China.
largely covered in subalpine coniferous forests elevations ranging from 1,300 to 4,000 meters. The dense pristine forest, the relative isolation and the fact that most of the area is kept free of ice in the ice age has a very complex habitat with a high degree of biodiversity.
Environmental groups have recognized this region as threatened by "a growing human population and the consequent demand forest and wildlife products. " Source
right place easily adapts to various lighting conditions and produces abundant flowers in places where it receives direct sunlight for more than three hours daily. Grows well in shady, but with few flowers.
also be used on balconies and terraces protected from the wind. Soil
thrives in different types of terrain. The soils favor loose, fertile, moist, with a depth of 20 centimeters.
The clay soil limits growth, waterlogging causes putrefaction.
River hangover is added to promote early growth and later flowering.
plants obtained from seed. The seedbed sowing in mid winter to early spring in a heated or outdoors in a warm place and then transplanted to the site chosen. Planting can also be done at the place chosen to start the summer.
Normally the seed germinates in 7 to 10 days in temperatures of 15 to 20 ° C.
The seedbed is prepared for planting container 7 to 10 inches deep with a substrate rip river and topsoil in equal parts.
The seeds are separated from the fruit that contains them and placed in the substrate spaced about 10 inches to about 2 inches deep, or the fruit is grown without separating its three seeds, previously soaked in water about 10 hours to soften their coverage external.
The wet seedbed covered with newspaper or plastic sheeting and glass to achieve a dark and damp.
The paper is removed at the first seedlings sprout and glass are held 2-3 days.
are gradually exposed to more light until the seedlings are perfectly suited to direct sunlight.
pots can be used seedbed that prevents the roots suffer the seedlings transplanting, keeping the culture conditions.
If transplant is performed in warm weather because it is sensitive to cold. 30 cm apart from each other. Irrigation
fleshy stems act as reservoirs of water and allow them to withstand periods of drought. Watering every 3 or 4 days creates moist conditions conducive to its growth. Care
outdoor planting is done after the cold season.
The use of media allows the conduct of the plant and vine species.
Too dense plantings of flowering and decrease harmful development.
The waterlogged soil the roots produces putrefaction.
frost can be grown as a perennial. In this case an upgrade of the plant in early spring by removing damaged leaves and shoots.
seed seed collected and stored in a dry place used for propagation up to 5 years later.
They are protected by the ripe fruit that turns yellow-brown.
As mature fruit is harvested and dried in a shaded area. The nuts are stored in cardboard boxes or paper bags with the corresponding label (name, date of any data collection and utility).
Seeds usually fall into place to generate new plants the following spring
For more information about this plant can visit this site which is part of Site of the University of Extremadura.